Thread: Small つ
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Sashimister (Offline)
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09-15-2010, 01:52 AM

Originally Posted by tsukimoon View Post
I'm working on some hiragana homework for my Japanese class, and part of it is practicing writing words with the small つ. When writing this character in the practice boxes (you know the ones... squares divided into four smaller squares), where should it be positioned? I know it should be in the bottom half, but I don't know if it should be in the bottom right, bottom left, or the middle. My first inclination is the bottom right, but I want to make sure.

I apologize if this has been asked before! I didn't see it when I searched.

Anyway, ありがとうございます for your help!!
You should have mentioned if you are writing vertically or horizontally as that makes a huge difference.

Here's how we native speakers are taught in Japanese schools (though you obviously aren't attending one).

Vertical: top right

Horizontal: bottom left

In each, the bold part is more important than the other.

Finally, you don't say ありがとうございます there. You say it only when service has been rendered. Learn to say おねがいします or よろしくおねがいします.
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