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(#44 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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10-02-2010, 09:37 PM

OK, so I feel like a complete idiot having to ask this question, but I'm having a brain fart today and can't think straight:
母に起こされた = I was woken up by my mother.

私が起きた = I woke up.
So why isn't "I was woken up by my mother" 母に起きられた? It's just the passive of 起きた. Why do you use the passive of 起こす instead?

I was going to point out that 私は食べる = I ate, 私に食べる = was eaten by me, but 食べる is a 他動詞 and 起きる is a 自動詞 (起こす is the 他動詞).

Is that why? And why am I feeling so dumb today?!
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