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(#4 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
10-25-2010, 04:50 PM

You mean to import them as a business or for your personal use?
Also, what size and type of brushes (hairs) are you after?
There are so many different brushes out there, that I need more specific info to be able to check. I know personally few owners of calligraphy supplies factories / stores, making brushes, ink, paper etc. Need more info before I start pestering them.

Import of really expensive stuff will be troublesome. High quality brushes can have their shaft replaced if needed. Bamboo shafts tend to split or crack in time (especially when improperly handled). Shaft is cheap as water, when hairs can cost as much as a decent car.

As to the inkstone, 100 bucks inkstone is not a high quality one. Decent stuff starts at 500 bucks and goes up to 15 000 plus. I need their estimate size, too.

Lastly, are you studying calligraphy or sumi-e? If not, it will be somewhere between very difficult to impossible for you to judge whether they are any good or not.

One more thing, out of curiosity: why are you interested solely in Japanese brands?

Last edited by ryuurui : 10-25-2010 at 04:54 PM.
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