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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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10-26-2010, 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by ldb88 View Post
I am considering applying for the JET program. If you meet all of the requirements, is it generally difficult to get into such a program? Are most applicants accepted? Rejected? Depends?

About the application - I have had a few Japanese co-workers in the past. Would they be good choices for recommendation letters, or would you suggest a manager with little or no knowledge of Japan? Also, although I have studied Japanese history and culture for some time, I have never actually been there. Will this affect my candidacy?

How do people feel about the JET program in general? How difficult is it to find a job when you return (if your degree is not in English or teaching)?
I did the JET program from 1994-1997. It is competitive, and has gotten more so, but it really depends on where you are applying from. From my understanding now, it is difficult to get into.

Not having ever been to Japan should not affect your chances. Having studied Japanese culture and history should help.
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