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Columbine (Offline)
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11-09-2010, 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by missprincess View Post
anyways ive noticed alot the oriental women dont mind getting married to white men or men out of their race, ive actually seen it alot, my cousin was dating a chinese girl for a good number of years b4 her parents decided that she should leave him.
1) It's really hard to explain without using actual nationalities (and I don't want to, because I can't say for sure and it's generalizing) but women seem to tend to be more willing to marry outside of a socially designated group, and seem to do so in larger numbers. So between group A and group B, you might have a lot of interracial marriages, but consisting of mostly Group B women marrying Group B men. Conversely, a particular situation (such as immigration, or government deployment) might mean that Group C men are sent en mass to Country D, resulting in interracial marriages consisting mostly of Group C men marrying Group D women, but almost no Group A women or Group D men marrying back.

2) Regarding men with non-group women, you have to consider various social and logistical factors- 1) availability. There may be less single foreign women to pick from to start with, as with C and D above.
2) Responsibility. It may be A-OK in some societies for women to marry out of their group, provided that they are morally and financially secure. It may be less easy for men to do so if they are expected to carry on the family as it is- maintaining tradition and status quo could be harder with a foreign bride. Perhaps foreign women are seen to have views that simply clash too much with the role of a married woman in that culture.
3) Maybe it is not a lack of interest on the men's part, but a lack of interest on the foreign women's side.
4) No one can speak for a majority. Asia is massive- you would find massively different opinions and reasonings in India than you would in Korea. they are completely different cultures.
5) social stigma. In some places foreign women may be seen as socially gauche, immoral or corrupt- maybe fine for a fling, but not something to base a long term relationship for. Foreign men, having a different background, may not feel the same about the women. Maybe there's a history. It can be difficult for two nationalities to marry if there is a history of war between their states.
6) Ditto religion. It's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of non-muslim men might agree that a beautiful Pakistani woman is very attractive; but at the same time, they probably wouldn't pick them as a group to 'like' or seek to date, as there would be tremendous obstacles and would require massive change and compromise or simply the attempt would cause uproar and grief.
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