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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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11-15-2010, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Oh and try to "bash" my character all you like. It's not really relevant since we're discussing YOUR character. It would further prove to me that you're not really that confident at all.
first off it says alot about the kind of person you are calling someone u dont know at all egocentric and arrogant, how can u tell someone not to just judge by looks when ur judging someones character by a few lines the wrote on a website???

and you say im not confident because i mentioned ur character - well i could say the exact same about you, since youve said more about mine then ive even implied about urs

secondly im not the only person in the world who thinks some people are more attractive then others (your trying to tell me that youve never looked at someone and thought they were better looking then someone else?? if thats the case its just strange!) you call people like me arrogant i call people like you delusional, and however u take it in modern society people are obsessed with looks, turn on any entertainment channel or open any magazine the first thing they talk about his how fat/thin someone is, how badly/well dressed someone is etc etc, whether you think thats right or wrong is purely a matter of opinion you just have to accept that I dont agree with you and never will and that you dont agree with me and never will – so stop trying to shove your 'morals' down someone else’s throat

and for the record at no point did i say the guy shud 'upgrade' nor did i say everyone shud follow my views on whats attractive or not - stop putting words in my mouth

oh and
''Suggesting that "smoking hot Korean guy" should get a more beautiful girl to be on his arm just because apparently she is not good looking enough for him''

does in noway imply that im materialistic, in the oxford english dictionary materialistic is defined as; ''excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented''
i think u need to get ur adjectives straight first
im really surprised i had to spell that out for you too

Last edited by missprincess : 11-15-2010 at 02:33 AM.
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