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JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
12-13-2010, 06:19 AM

It is interesting, Sangetsu. In my old stomping grounds where I visit yearly there are (obviously) several dental clinics. From what I knew many had poor reputations, but "what are you going to do?"

Then in the last year or so a new dentist moved into town. His office, literally, looks like the deck of a spaceship. All bright and white. His clinic uses the newest in technology. Now all of my friends have broken off with their regular dentists and go to his office. I got to peek in, and he (and his colleagues) are using tech that I have never seen before, certainly not in America. Lasers instead of drills... pretty cool stuff.

I agree that people should take responsibility for their own actions, but like you said, sometimes we meet with bad luck and need a helping hand. Isn't that what the government is there for in the first place? If the government can't help those that need help, then what is it's use?

I understand libertarian ideals, but does it help you or hurt you if families are freezing in their cars as they have no place to go? Does it help you or hurt you if children are dropping out of school to pick vegetables in order to make money to scratch by? Is it better or worse for you if houses on your block are going into foreclosure?

The America of 50 and 60 years ago was truly a place of "neighborhoods". That is gone now, and is why we see these kinds of attitudes, where people don't want to be bothered with even their next door neighbor. "I'll watch your house if you watch mine" is becoming an attitude of the past. I like that isn't as true in many parts of Japan and rural America. But it is sad it is a growing trend.
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