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(#106 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
Posts: 880
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
12-17-2010, 04:20 PM

Chinese or Japanese calligraphy is usually associated with standard or semi-cursive style, as they are the most "readable". The paradox is that the farther back in time we go the more mysterious calligraphy gets.

Seal scripts and oracle bone scripts are brilliant in its rawness and primordial beauty. In my opinion they stimulate the imagination of the viewer most effectively. 3000+ years ago, humans were much closer to the nature and drew heavily from its forces, be it art or every day life. This is why those styles are so mesmerizing.

Nonetheless, they are rarely being displayed, as it takes years of practice to be able to express essential to calligraphy vigor and energy flow, while preserving their original appearance. Sadly, today majority prefers easy and effort-less aesthetics, which ironically drags us farther from our true nature.

Glad you like them, Bsabs.
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