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princessmarisa (Offline)
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01-01-2011, 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
sorry Princess but immigration to Japan was mentioned so I thought comparing with UK would be useful.

Maybe not but I don't know if Japan is as hot on immigrations as we need to be.

This is seen as a soft touch-- but things are changing-- although its hard going and we have to pay to send refused immigrants to return to their own country

as we are part of EUROPE we already have many immigrants from those countries.

when I see people asking about moving to Japan-- I see replies that tell them they have to have a degree.

and that teaching EFL seems to be one of the few options.

so thats not too generous is it?

I was talking about people who want to legally emigrate to Japan for flimsy reasons, I really can't see how bringing up a Daily Mail period about "Clamping down on the bloody foreigners who speak our language badly" is at all relevant.

Also why do you leave so many carriage returns and extra spaces?
I find your posts quite hard to follow, I take it you class yourself as fluent in English otherwise some of what you say could be taken as hypocritical.

I am not sure what you think is generous/ I guess you mean that the answers given are apt and not too fostering of false hope.
That is well within my point, everyone tells them they can get over there by getting a degree and start of as an ALT or similar, but very few seem to point out that that is little different to teaching in most countries. If you don't want to teach in your own country, or are willing to put the effort into getting a teaching related job at home, why would you suddenly be able to manage it in a situation 10x harder?

It seems we are encouraging people to use teaching as a route into something totally unrelated and that , oh it's easy to get your dream just get a degree, go be a jet, then the week after you'll have made it as a manga-ka or be fabulously happy in Japan-Land.

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.
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