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(#30 (permalink))
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Umihito (Offline)
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01-08-2011, 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I'm all for countries breaking down their borders and losing their all so special cultures. We all can learn something from other cultures including Japan. I actually look forward to the day where borders are meaningless. Where we are just people of the world rather than Japanese, Australians, Americans, etc. Maybe a bit pie in the sky stuff but I don't believe much good has ever come of national boundaries and selfish national interests except a whole lot of wars.
O...kay, if like you said you were all for borders breaking and countries losing their cultures, how can you learn said cultures when they've all been lost, except for in museums?
In my opinion, holding up borders is the main way a country keeps it's cultures. And cultures are what makes a country what it is. Apart from maybe avoiding some wars (not all, war for oil etc) I don't see what seems so great about complete culture loss.

You'd rather live in a boring world where everyone and everything's the same? No culture, no heritage, just.... people?
I can't imagine how bad a world like that would seem, not to mention all the money lost from absolutely no tourism. Why would you want to travel to a country if it's exactly the same as your own, after all?
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