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(#9 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
01-16-2011, 12:17 PM

China is so vast and its people and landscape has suffered so much in the past.

I was totally ignorant about China until I read "JUNG CHANG's Wild Swans." AND her "MAO". I am still very ignorant but when I was watching a dvd on China's war-- with Japan-- those Chinese people-- survivors were so brave and hard working. There is much I dislike especialy the way they mistreat animals--skinning cats and dogs alive!!! URGH--- but I also have respect for individual Chinese people. They are industrious hard working.

I have Chinese friends who I respect massively.

Their dynasty reaches back to 5'000 years we are told.

Now they are moving forward at a rapid pace-- so much of what we buy comes from China.

Have you ever read Pearl Buck's "The Good Earth?" Her parents were missionaries in CHina-- that book describes peasant life in China during that period.
You know-- I think when visiting a specific country or part of it-- its worthwhile reading and learning as much as possible before going there.

Japan is so small compared to CHINA.

PS I do wonder about the inbalance between male and female re the policy of getting rid of Chinese female infants. Not sure if that is still the situation. I would sincerely hope not.

we see programmes telling us there are not enough women for the Men-hardly surprising.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 01-16-2011 at 12:21 PM.
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