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Suki (Offline)
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01-16-2011, 08:34 PM

Okay, when I say Canadian English I mean native English speakers from Canada -Ontario, for instance- NOT the ones who speak French. I know those are easy to pick out.

Originally Posted by Rinai View Post
What the hell *is* an American accent anyway? {You can tell by the 'o' sounds. Especially when she says 'about'.} But yeah. Uh. America isn't just one whole accent...
Who said "America is one whole accent", smart ass? Go back to my original post and you'll find I said "standard American English", and if the word "standard" still doesn't give you a clue as to what kinda accent I'm talking about then I guess you got lots of television to watch, because there is such a thing as an standard American accent.

I found it hard to believe when I found out that Jim Carrey was from Canada. I couldn't have told from his movies nor from the interviews I'd seen with him in which, I guess, he speaks with his natural accent, which ought to be a Canadian one by default.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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