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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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01-24-2011, 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Most naturally, 「君は学校に行かなかったので友達に会えなかった。」 .

You can also say 「君は学校に行かなかった。だから友達に会えなかった 。」.
I'm not sure if this is the best illustration of what OP was asking about, but I don't think it's necessarily your fault that you translated these the way you did. I suspect OP was just trying to think of two random, unrelated actions to connect with "and" so he could see how "and" between two verbs is formed in Japanese.

Unfortunately, the two actions he picked could be pretty related (i.e., one caused the other), so you correctly used a ので construction.

OP, if you just intended to have two completely unrelated actions (i.e., "ate sushi" and "played the piano"), say, to list what you did during the day, a couple options to connect them as one sentence come to mind right now: 〜たり〜する and 〜て.

The former is an incomplete enumeration of activities: "Today, I ate sushi and played the piano [and did other stuff]." The latter is just a list (that could be in chronological order): "Today, I ate sushi and played the piano."

The sentences are:

You also could do a variation on the latter. There is an alternative to the 〜て form that is basically a more "professional" (I am trying not to say "formal" so much when describing some Japanese stuff). The form is basically to make the 〜ます form but don't say ます. I don't know what else to call it. Conjunctive form? I think we English speakers at my Japanese university would refer to it as "pre-masu form."


Note: 食事する is a more high level word that means 食べる (to eat), although I think you only 食事する an entire meal rather than just a certain food. 演奏する is a more high level word that means 弾く (and the other verbs that mean "to play [a musical instrument]").

Note to advanced speakers: I realize the above "high level" sentence sounds really weird because it's unlikely you'd say such a simple thing of what you did today in such a high level way. I just wanted to show the other way I could think of to link separate actions as one sentence as the equivalent of "to do ~ and to do ~."

To OP: To form the 〜たり form, you form the plain past of the verb and add り to it.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 01-24-2011 at 02:33 PM.
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