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02-11-2011, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
Considering the 22% unemployment rate in Spain, I don't blame the locals if they have something against immigrants.... I heard that the Russian mafia and the South American drug traffic have established deep roots there since I've been gone....
Europe is like a golden mine to the South American drug traffickers, it's something like a insatiable machine for drugs. Probably the connection with Russian mafia is true, maybe there are some exchanges of drugs for guns, like what Chinese mafia does in South America too. There is a enormous demand for drugs in Spain, Italy, England and some other european countries, then, it's a very atractive market to the traffickers.

I remember few years ago the police arrested some Yakuza members in my country, they were probably trying to negotiate drugs suply to send to Japan.

Video Games: Serious Business

Last edited by SCIFFIX : 02-11-2011 at 04:29 PM.
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