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03-04-2011, 10:45 PM


i´ve been to Japan with the WHV but i´m not sure about the fund-thing.

I guess a printed bank statement from your online banking would do, however i think you will need to print the past 3 month prior to application.(Ask the embassy if a printout is enough, if not print it out and let someone from the bank sign it? Or is it a online-only bank?) You could also try asking the bank for a printout sent via mail, maybe they´ll send it to you for a small fee.

It would be possible to go to Japan without any money but off course that is not recommended. You can borrow some money now, wait 3 month and print the statements and than return the money, nobody would check your account a second time.
However i think you should really bring at least that required money to survive a bit for the first month (wich i think is not your problem).

I guess you actually have to have that money on your account statements, you could have a hard time if the see it all arrived recently or in one day. No savings account or anything? It just needs your name and enough for the last 3 month, if you use it or some other money doesn´t matter.

Otherwise you could try to call the embassy and explain your situation? Maybe your parents can work as a guarantor for you?

Hope that helped.

Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: (text is in German, but see the pictures!)
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