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Ehrenritter (Offline)
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What's the image of the 旭日旗, Kyokujitsu-ki (Rising sun Flag) in Asia and Japan? - 03-06-2011, 04:14 PM

Hello there, I'm a graphic designer and I'm quite interested in the expressive potential of the japanese rising sun flag, so I want to use it in one way or another in my designs.

Image of the flag:

The question is that I've heard that the flag have negative connotations in some places of Asia, is that true? At least here in Europe is a trendy symbol, a very visual signifier without meaning, so postmodern, but I don't want to make a mistake thinking that in the rest of the world is the same, so I would be very grateful if someone could clarify me about the mental meaning or the `` instant impression´´ that comes to the mind of an Asian (and the possible differences between Japan, China, Korea, Sudeast Asia etc) while seeing that flag.

Thanks in advance.
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