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(#19 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
04-21-2011, 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Carano View Post
Thanks for the recommendations.

Before continuing with anything, I'd like to fully learn Hiragana and Katakana, as I probably should have done before I began Rosetta Stone anyway.

So I was wondering if anybody has used this book, or think it would be beneficial?

Remembering the Kana
That looks to be a good book, although I haven't personally used it. My method was to use the book "Beginner's Japanese Script" by Helen Gilhooly, which I found to be useful in learning both kana and memorising a few basic kanji. I also printed off both the kana charts, because I found that if you're looking at them every day, even if you just run your eyes over them for a few seconds going in and out a room, that it really helps speed up learning, because you're constantly going over it.

Once you've got the kana down and a few kanji there's some amazing books and courses you can do I think Godwine's approach is a very good one, I can't say it'd work for me personally, but if you really want to learn reading fluently it's a great way, it'll fully immerse you in the writing system and build your understanding gradually, lots of practise too.
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