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(#297 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
04-30-2011, 05:33 PM

I'm going to be honest and say I can't be bothered to go through pages and pages - since the last time I checked this thread - to see what's been said, so sorry in advance if I repeat anything . . .

I have to ask why the huge outcry against what Ronin said? Logicaly he has a point. I won't say if I agree or disagree, I think that's irrelevant at this stage, but I do think it's unfair for one guy to get so much hassle when he asks a legitimate question. In the press the Japanese seem to empthasise to quite a degree just how okay they are and how they will be fine, it seems to me that it's the Western press that paints them as bein helpless . . . what happened is an awful, awful tragedy, but if the country that has been affected doesn't ask for help then surely it's better to divert that help to other nations who do require/ask for it? I remember at the start of all this that the US had ships and people ready to help the moment Japan asked, and they delayed asking for quite some time . . .

Aside from that the country is far richer than other nations, such as Haiti, who - as far as I'm aware - are still effected even now, a year or more later, by what happened there. I think the people in Japan need all the help and support they can get, but the question is can Japan help itself and do we need to intervene? I think it's a worthy debate to ask whether our time/resources are being distributed fairly and whether we couldn't be helping someone more by sending our money elsewhere.
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