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Suki (Offline)
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If you were to kill someone... - 05-22-2011, 12:17 AM

So I was watching CSI the other day... I never fully followed the show, just catch episodes here and there and it got me thinking of how they give pretty great ideas on how to murder someone and get away with it.

I know they always catch the bad guy in the end but it's always some kind of genius plan and I wonder if this kind of shows -CSI, Dexter, etc.-, might inspire someone to actually commit a murder and come up with a twisted plan he's seen on one of these shows to not get caught. Because some of the crimes they work on are seriously elaborate and not easy to solve.

Take Dexter. It tells you exactly how to kill a guy and leave no clues behind so that it could never be traced back to you. Seriously, if I was to kill someone I would totally go Dexter style. It is genius! When I first watched it I was actually surprised they were showing it as fiction when actual serial killers could totally learn from his methods and become better at it; if I was one of them I'd find it super useful. Don't you ever think it may be kind of counterproductive to have these shows on TV that can inspire actual psycho killers to do some crazy shit? Seriously, I am all sane and in my senses, but when watching these shows I do wonder how I'd manage to hide a body and leave no clues that could lead to me when looking for the killer, and I think I'd do a pretty good job cause after all I've seen I have truly learned a thing or two, no lies xD

Have you ever thought about it? Do you think these shows make it easier for someone who's planning to kill someone to get away with it and give them ideas as to what would be the perfect way to do it?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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