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p47koji (Offline)
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Meiji-era Sketches - 06-17-2011, 10:16 PM

Although the homes on my mother's side burned down during the war (no political statement whatsoever - just fact), they managed to maintain an assortment of over 200 sketches like these samples. I had a tough time trying to understand what she meant (she is 88), but something about many of these were "pre-sketches" of final artworks.

My great grandfather's name was "Wakio Shibayama" and was apparently teaching art towards the end of his life in Japan. She said he kept a library of such sketches and some have two of his hanko on them for "claiming rights". It appears that some are from the Meiji period:

IMG_8916 by Mustang Koji, on Flickr

Japanese landscape 1800s by Mustang Koji, on Flickr

IMG_8911 by Mustang Koji, on Flickr

Some like the one below were painted on several smaller sheets of extremely thin rice paper that were glued together:

An elaborate sketch of old Japan by Mustang Koji, on Flickr

Does anyone have any comments or historical info on the type of art? I'm not looking for any monetary evaluation, btw.

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