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RealJames (Offline)
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06-18-2011, 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post Japanese don't hang out? i was under impression that they often go to arcades or spend their time in photo-booths. or just go shopping...well that was what i thought.

i am also so used to just hanging out. i give a call to my friend, we drive and pick up some sandwiches and then just chill at his house, my house or somewhere else. or go and smoke a water-pipe (hookah) by some lake, river for an hour. not to mention every friday or saturday when you get calls to come to a party or a club.
there's a huge difference between <22 and >22 years old,
university graduation hits, work starts, life ends, no joke

before 22;
it's not so different from western culture

after 22;
chilling at houses, not so much, houses are small and ... well people just rarely do it, girls do it more often than guys tough
chilling out during weekdays, incredibly rare
chilling out on short notice, only with very close friends, and even then.. not really that much
chilling out with a 1 month ahead of time plan, yeah that happens BUT be warned, cancellation due to work or not feeling well is quite likely
work takes priority for most people over chilling out
house parties, incredibly rare

chilling out is planned, organized, thought through, and often cancelled lol

I've met a few people who live outside this culture but it's really rare and uncharacteristic of Japanese people

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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