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languagehacker (Offline)
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06-20-2011, 08:07 AM

Thanks. Most things in Japanese I can figure out. The only hard things are those related to songs, and so far I've been getting the best answers on this site. I'll probably keep on asking more song related questions in the future until people stop answering or someone tells me why I should stop!

Your conviction about the meaning of 真っ赤な嘘, the fact that you are Japanese, and that you seem to have prior knowledge of 椎名 has convinced me that you are right. Are by any chance a fan, or is 椎名 just really well-known in Japan? (Hey, that rhymes! )

You wrote that the boyfriend was the one lying and Shiina was the one that got mad. The lyrics say 疎外されゆく本音を伏せた, meaning she left while hiding her true intentions. Since she's the one being deceptive here, wouldn't it make more sense that she was the one telling lies which made her boyfriend mad, which in turn gave her an excuse to leave while hiding her intentions to become a singer in the city?

There's this other part I don't understand:
足らない言葉よりも近い距離を好み 理解出来ていた様に思うが

I understand the second line but not the first. I only included the second line in case it helps to make sense of the first.

I think this explains it, but I can't make much sense of it:
しかし、おそらく彼の観念主義はつきあってる過程で矯 正されてったんでしょう。「かくあるべし」という百メ ートル先に蜃気楼のように見える理想よりも、いま自分 の心のなかに感じられる温もりみたいなものに正直にな ってきたんじゃないかな。それはギクシャクの過程で胸 が切り裂かれるような切なさなどで徐々に判ってきたの でしょう。でも彼女(主人公)の方はまだディープに自 分の理想世界にハマってるからそこの波長が一致しない 。彼が「周りをなくし」ても「あたしはそれは無視」、 彼が「涙を教え(られ)」ても「あたしはそれも無視」 してしまう。

What do those two lines mean? Does the above paragraph explain it, or is it talking about something else?

Last edited by languagehacker : 06-20-2011 at 08:29 AM.
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