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masaegu (Offline)
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06-29-2011, 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by languagehacker View Post
I'm having trouble making sense of three lines from this song. Here they are with my translations:

ただ会いたくて 声も無くしそうで
I was about to lose even my voice from just wanting to see you.

でも会えなくて 夢さえ恨んだ
But I couldn't see you and I hated even dreams.

日々薄れてく 記憶を手探りで 感触をただ愛した

That last line I won't even attempt to translate because it hardly makes sense to me. What does it mean?

The first line doesn't make sense to me either because I don't see how wanting to see someone would cause a person to lose their voice.

For the second line, what is the connection between wanting to see someone and hating dreams?

The complete song lyrics are here.
I think you are confusing yourself by treating the line 「ただ会いたくて 声も無くしそうで」 as if it were a complete sentence when it isn't. All it has is two continuative verb forms (the latter is an auxiliary verb to be exact.).

「ただ会いたくて, 声も無くしそうで, でも会えなくて夢さえ恨んだ」 is the complete sentence with three continuative forms and one affirmation form at the very end.

「日々薄れてく 記憶を手探りで 感触をただ愛した」, which is a very poorly constructed sentence using two direct objects (「記憶」 & 「感触」) with other words in between and two words of a similar meaning (「手探り」 & 「感触」), would roughly mean:

"I simply loved the feel of of the memories which I groped for and which faded away day by day."

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