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delacroix01 (Offline)
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07-11-2011, 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
1. 早め means "earlier than one would expect" or "as early as possible". This "Adjective + め" form is extremely useful and is used very often but for some reason, Japanese-learners rarely use it.

「ご飯少なでお願いします。」<-- You are asking for a little less rice (than normal).

切り出す means to take up the subject with ~~.

早めに別れをきりだそう means "I am going to bring up the subject of parting pretty soon."
Awesome! It is definitely a big advantage to know this. Thanks again for the detailed explanation, masaegu

2. This とても means "just cannot ~~", "not at all", etc.

Your TL is not necessarily incorrect but it's wordy. Mine would be: ""Just can't believe she actually thinks before taking actions!"
This sounds much cooler than my version. I get it all now

Also, thanks yuriyuri for the pdf. I'm saving it until my Japanese improves enough to read it.
Now for today's question, if anybody doesn't mind.
1. 自転車に乗るとよりくっきりと浮かび上がる
a/ In this case, より means "even more", doesn't it?
b/ Does 浮かび上がる mean "to stand out" in this context?

2. 優雅にしなる驚くほど長い脚
I'm guessing that this phrase literally means "legs that bend elegantly which are long enough to make people surprised". Please correct me if I'm wrong.

3. 日本の女子とは一線を画すシルエットが異文化感を後押 しする......!
a/ Does 一線を画す mean "to make a clear distinction from"?
b/ Does 後押しする mean "to add to"?
4. 来日したての留学生ってところか...
I'm pretty sure that this したて is from the verb する, but what exactly is it? This is the first time I've seen this form.

5. Just to be sure, どのみち in this context means "every road", correct?

6. Is 別れねば the negative conditional form of 別れる? Or is it another form?

Finally, と判明 means "to be confirmed as", correct?