Thread: Patriotism
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Kayci (Offline)
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08-21-2011, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
lol your cute with your good world thinking^^

I actually call that ignorance when you don't have the to courage to say that your country has indeed many major flaws and you would love to change that. That's called Blind-Patriotism where I come from..
but what do I know^^

Well, if you would have listened.. I said, that in general I find it good that Japan has this law, however that apprenterships are being overlooked way to easily, considering that it takes just as long and involves just as much dicipline. But because just a few countries use this system, it's not there for the rest of the World. Not fair!

Also how come you think I complain about needing a degree in America? It's not very good that without one you are valued very low in society. Thats basically it lol

There you go, bashing countries you dont live in...and worshipping countries you dont live in. How...odd and foolish

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