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masaegu (Offline)
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08-30-2011, 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by AmgedIsmail View Post
The reason it didn't recognize the meaning that it only wrote the pronunciation or syllable of that word:

ki = キ
mi = ミ

So, when I study the language how can I understand the meaning of the word?
and why didn't google translate it?

And you say in a few years I wil be better than Google!!!!
In a few years!!!!!???
Will it take that long??!!!!
Lotta words except a simple "Thanks!". Just compare my translation with Google's and ask yourself if 「キミ」 was the only problem Google had in translating the whole phrase.

FYI, it was not only 「キミ」 that the original gave you in kana. In fact, it gave you all the words in kana. Thus, your reasoning fails.

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