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10-04-2011, 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by tokusatsufan View Post
Well Chinese maybe not,Koreans are fairly distinctive. I think if someone was half-Korean I'd tell they'd have slightly bigger eyes.
Except that they don`t.

There is a different in what is perceived as "in style" and popular in media... and actual features. There is a distinct set of features that are popular in Korean media, and a distinct set that is popular in Japanese media. These are slightly different. People who have the traits popular in their country`s media are selected and displayed in the media (or they try to emphasize the traits either through makeup, styling, or surgery).

The actual population, however, overlaps almost completely in appearance. Japanese and Koreans are very similar in ethnic background. I would say that China is much more varied in it`s ethnic groups, with some groups having very distinct appearances... Still though, as Japan has such wide variety in appearances - you would NOT be able to tell in the great majority of the cases.

Can you distinguish between someone Korean, born and raised in Korea, who follows Korean fashion and trends... And someone Japanese, born and raised in Japan, who follows Japanese fashion and trends? Yes. But can you distinguish between someone Korean who has been raised in Japan and who follows Japanese fashion and trends? Sorry, but I highly doubt it.

Fashion and makeup has a LOT more to do with the "differences" than people realize. This is what makes it easy to spot a 100% Japanese person who was raised in the US - the fashion, makeup, etc stands out.

okay this has nothing to do with japanese or anything...just wanted to ask you if you would consider this family to be multiracial??
No. They might, however, be *international*.

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