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masaegu (Offline)
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10-06-2011, 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by TBox View Post
Halfway through this sentence I lose track of which particles fill roles for which verbs:
もう星さんの事はどうでも良くなってて、この関係にず ぶずぶはまっている僕にこいつの…

A native tells me the first part is, "Actually, I've become less interested in Shou-san, but I find myself getting more involved in this relationship," then sort of wandered away (it's the internet...)

And then we hit boku ni. I don't know how much of the preceding is a relative clause, I don't know what verb that "ni" belongs to, and the rest of the sentence is meaningless to me. The bit about her back is because the narrator is embracing a woman from behind.

Can someone help me line up all the parts of this and translate it?
Are you aware that 「もう星さんの事はどうでも良くなってて、この関係に ずぶずぶはまっている僕にこいつの…」 is an incomplete sentence?

It is usually impossible to translate an incomplete sentence because the word order is completely different between the two languages.

The second half lacks the main verb as well as other things. This makes translating the second half impossible because what is lacking, especially the verb, must come before the English counterpart for 「この関係にずぶずぶはまっている僕」. If you know enough Japanese to tackle a phrase like this, you will know what I am talking about.

「この関係にずぶずぶはまっている僕」 sure is a relative clause but it is not the subject of the second half; therefore, it is followed by に. 

Something happened or someone did something to 「この関係にずぶずぶはまっている僕」= "me, who is deeply stuck in this relationship".

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