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delacroix01 (Offline)
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10-30-2011, 08:22 AM

Many thanks for your great help as usual This solved a lot of questions that I've been wanting to ask. Still, there are new ones which has just popped up on my mind.

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
I do not think so. The way I see it is that 空も飛べるよ belongs with the first two lines.
Now that you mentioned this, I have realized that most lines of this song are arranged in absolute balance patterns, like 7-7 syllables for each line of verse 1 & 4, 9-9 for each of verse 3 & 6. The reason for the placement of 空も飛べるよ in line 3 was just to make it synchronize with the music, am I right?

Also, I thought 空も飛べる was a more dramatic & emphatic version of 空を飛べる, but now it's uncertain to me, since I'm thinking that it can be は, not を, plus there's a possibility that it's linked to the phrase 不思議なまでのゼロの空間. Can you help me understand this point?

The relative clause here is 次元さえ越えられる倫理の及ばない曖昧な境界線
Wow, it's much easier to read now. Thank you for clearing this up.

No. 叫ぶような熱さえ modifies the preceding 浸食をする.
逃げ込む is an intransitive verb, so one cannot say 熱さえ僕はただ逃げ込む.
Now this is interesting. Would you mind explaining more about this? I just can't figure out how it modifies the verb.

I see this differently. I see it as being 背きたい道順 = 愚かなる願い.
Ah, so the が in 愚かなる願いが is "but", not the subject marker, isn't it?

No. It is not that simple. You tend to treat each physical line in the lyrics as one unit.
Yeah, I realized that when I read your answer for my 2nd and 4th question. I'm sure this will help me read lyrics much better in the future.

頭ごと覗き込む is one action.
常識を離反した拒絶さえ許されないカオス is a relative clause.
Um, does 常識を離反した modify 拒絶 or カオス?
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