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TheFatalBeliever 04-21-2007 03:30 PM

I've always heard Grave of the Fireflies was a good movie. o.o Spirited Away is a really good movie, but for some reason I have an attachment to Castle in the Sky. :rheart:

Ophelia 04-21-2007 04:12 PM

Studio Ghibli
I love all the studio ghibli films! But I love Kiki's Delivery service best!

kokunin 04-21-2007 09:22 PM

I don't know why, but every time I look at his movies they seem to have the similar music, which kinda makes me mad...I was disturbed by fireflies grave...howl's moving castle was kinda boring to me, for some reason, and I BOUGHT PRINCESS MONONOKE (If you knew me, you'd know how rare that is) LAst movie I bought...lol...uuum totoro had one heck of a catchy song and kiki's was pretty good, don't know why I liked that one pretty well, and I read the manga of the movie nausicaa, it was okay, didn't care for it...uuuuuuum never saw conan....hmmmm...so princess mononoke, for me...has alot of reality and it shows me the mind set of japan yrs. ago, without trying to...plus the lady with the lepers is like a frakin' American, wehich for some reason now strikes me as ODD...and scary... CHyo TO HEN DAYO

luna2 04-21-2007 11:16 PM

spirited away!!!XD

Zieveraar 05-03-2007 05:47 PM

It's still Spirited Away for me, but only halfway through watching the Studio Ghibli movies so there might come a new favourite.

It was the first Ghibli movie I saw too, magnificent piece of art!

Princess Mononoke was the biggest disappointment I must admit, good graphics but the story was a bit, well, hard to put it in words though. I much prefer Nausicaa, which has a fairly similar theme.

Watakushi 05-03-2007 06:31 PM

I love all of them. *can't decide* Uhm... eeh... maby... uuuh... Noo I can't >_____<

Okami 05-03-2007 07:11 PM

Princess mononoke rocks :D I love that film..Specially the way the charries are drawn ^_^

Sophieneechan 05-25-2007 07:12 PM

Spirited Away & Howls moving castle
Have you seen them?

What do you think of them?

Kayame 05-25-2007 07:25 PM

I've seen some of Spirited Away bt I wlways end up falling asleep and I wake up when she and the ghost thing is on the train, but from what i've seen i like it alot ^.^

Sophieneechan 05-25-2007 07:31 PM


I have never fallen asleep while waching, but my siblings have.. heehee..

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