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MMM 02-21-2008 09:30 PM

Do you read US comics, too?
Just out of curiousity, do you only read manga, or do you read (for lack of a better word) US comics, as well (or any other country's comics, for that matter)...either in floppy monthy or bound form?

Tsuzuki 02-21-2008 09:32 PM

yes I readed Batman and Spiderman ^^" but I prever the stories of mangas :cool:

MarkDuff 02-21-2008 09:33 PM

I do but It's been a while...

MMM 02-21-2008 09:41 PM

Cool...I am hearing stories of "wars" between the two "camps" and that didn't make sense to me.

QuoyaNatsume 02-21-2008 09:49 PM

Yes I have but not lately here are some off the top of my head the rest are stored in a box somewhere;

Ultimate X-Men
The Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Alpha Flight

X-Men Psi Wars
1 or 2 Thor
and the Dazzler but that & a few others I got from my mother.

I have a whole lot more I think I'll put a pic up to show you guys but if they look a little dusty thats because I haven't read them in aome yrs.:vsign:

MMM 02-21-2008 10:18 PM

The Dazzler! I haven't heard that name in ages...

xYinniex 02-21-2008 10:20 PM

i totally read archies comics and THE SIMPSONS comics.

how lame.

EveV 02-21-2008 11:17 PM

I'm a comic fanatic.
I love works from Marvel and Slave Labor Graphics the most.
And Ashley Wood's comic " Doom" has got to be a comic from the gods.
I mean come on Robots and Zombies? Genius
I suggest viewing his gallery for comic/art fans in general.
He has amazing work.

Haggis 02-21-2008 11:29 PM

There is some good American stuff out there, Sin City is great, as is 2000 AD (although I think that's English). Black Hole by Charles Burns is really good too, I'd recommend it to fans of Parasyte or the film 'The Thing'. However the vast majority of stuff I read is Japanese. but that's probably because I want big chunky graphic novels and not a scrawny 32 page comic book.

koaku 02-21-2008 11:43 PM

Iam a big fan of Justice League and Xmen but my favorites still Avengers, the Punisher and the fabulous furry freak brothers

Riccardo 02-21-2008 11:58 PM

I've tried reading things like Buffy, Angel, X Men, etc, but they don't grab me. I need more substance to my reading material - hence, manga.

SeeD 02-22-2008 12:03 AM

i love Lobo :)

MMM 02-22-2008 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Haggis (Post 406676)
There is some good American stuff out there, Sin City is great, as is 2000 AD (although I think that's English). Black Hole by Charles Burns is really good too, I'd recommend it to fans of Parasyte or the film 'The Thing'. However the vast majority of stuff I read is Japanese. but that's probably because I want big chunky graphic novels and not a scrawny 32 page comic book.

Black Hole is great! A great recommendation!

MMM 02-22-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Riccardo (Post 406697)
I've tried reading things like Buffy, Angel, X Men, etc, but they don't grab me. I need more substance to my reading material - hence, manga.

Hmmm...a little insult to the Western comics world snuck in there...

Ramones1976 02-22-2008 01:05 AM

I really like manga, Simpsons and Futurama comics

QuoyaNatsume 02-22-2008 01:10 AM

Not everybody has a good attention span- hence,American Comics, j/k lol
well seriously ppl don't have very long attention spans so for those ppl that 32 page comic is all they need. I like both American & others.

But I have a good attention span I finished read Tenjho Tenge volume 1- 106 (thats all that was available to me here in the States.) in like a day & a half straight!! And I know its a little off topic but all Harry Potter books too.

@MMM Yeah like I said my mom gave me some of her old comics to read.:D

Powermad147 02-22-2008 01:48 AM

I find American comics have a harder time grabbing my interest. Partly it's because america's point of view on love seems, to me, to be superficial and alltogether more about sex than what I consider love. So call my a wierdo, but I'd take cinderella over Louis Lane and Superman any day ^_^

Kloudcat 02-22-2008 02:07 PM

I read the Archie comics... that's the only American comic that ever interested me... I think manga is alot better, because of the story lines, and the pictures. American comics are just a little too boring and ugly ^^;

ThuMpeR 02-22-2008 06:58 PM

:D haven't heard something lile the Archies for awhile lol. Used to read those all the time.

Haven't read any Amer. comics for awhile too, except for the Marvel Zombies one. I still have some old ones in their plastic sleeves.:vsign:

kunitokotachi 02-22-2008 07:11 PM

Avengers was my favorite, but there were so many different team ups.
If I had to put an Avengers team together it would be:
1. Captain America
2. Thor
3. Hulk
4. Iron Man
5. Scarlet Witch
6. Vision
7. Spiderman

I'm curious, there are a lot of people who want to go to Japan because they read manga or watched Anime. Well my question is how many people outside of the U.S. wanted to come to the U.S. after reading American manga or watching American Anime like: Avengers, X-men, Justice League, Batman, The Avatar, etc.?

typing 02-22-2008 07:20 PM

Ooh baby ooh baby

Cut my teeth on that stuff, I've got Archie, Garfeild, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, X-men, Gambit issue #1, Wolvereen, and the new Runaways which is pretty good.
I do it underground too as I've got some olf american B&W comics that I can't remember the name of now (One involves a smoking rabbit and a goose)
Sandman and some other Neil Gaiman creation about God and Angels.
I love those old school comics.

My love of Manga comes from that, and in that the Japanese comics have a new and different story to tell. My fave manga is always the stuff that has that american dark story feel. "Monster" and "20th century boys" but at the same time characters that are more diverse then the american Bad Guy Vs Good Guy.

MMM 02-22-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by kunitokotachi (Post 407284)

I'm curious, there are a lot of people who want to go to Japan because they read manga or watched Anime. Well my question is how many people outside of the U.S. wanted to come to the U.S. after reading American manga or watching American Anime like: Avengers, X-men, Justice League, Batman, The Avatar, etc.?

Great question! Probably not so many, as American life is more "accurately" seen in TV and movies, but not as many shows and movies are seen outside of Japan. For many, manga and anime is the only window to Japan, accurate or not.

typing 02-22-2008 07:27 PM

Anyone ever read Captian Canuck?

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world to have read that one.

I hear people say that American comics are hard to get into, which can be true, part of the reason that Manga got to be diverse is because the American comic code killed the industry for anyone over the age of 12.

However there are alot of underground comics that have interesting plots and are very deep.

Frankly I can't think of any right now, but I know they're out there because I've read them.

I just hanv't read them in a while since I've been away from my collection for a few years.

Sinner 02-22-2008 07:27 PM

I read both of them!

kunitokotachi 02-22-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 407300)
Great question! Probably not so many, as American life is more "accurately" seen in TV and movies, but not as many shows and movies are seen outside of Japan. For many, manga and anime is the only window to Japan, accurate or not.

You have a point there. To tell you the truth I cannot recall any Japanese movies other than some of the legendary films such as Shichinin no Samurai by Kurosawa Akira. I'm assuming when other countries view American they see American the way we are portrayed in the movies. It would be interesting though to see if guys like Stan Lee made people from countries all over the world want to save up their money, study English, and become a comic book artist in America.

ryuchi 02-23-2008 12:42 AM

naw, i'm only addicted to manga.

koaku 02-23-2008 01:02 AM

I forgot iron man...

MageYuri387 02-23-2008 02:56 AM

Nope. They bore me to death. Good ol' manga for me.

Odin 02-23-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by typing (Post 407299)
Ooh baby ooh baby

I do it underground too as I've got some olf american B&W comics that I can't remember the name of now (One involves a smoking rabbit and a goose)
Sandman and some other Neil Gaiman creation about God and Angels.
I love those old school comics.

Cigarette smoking rabbit and beer drinking goose.
Cigarro & Cerveja, by Tony Esteves (Canadian webcomic)

Home Page

EveV 02-23-2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by kunitokotachi (Post 407314)
You have a point there. To tell you the truth I cannot recall any Japanese movies other than some of the legendary films such as Shichinin no Samurai by Kurosawa Akira. I'm assuming when other countries view American they see American the way we are portrayed in the movies. It would be interesting though to see if guys like Stan Lee made people from countries all over the world want to save up their money, study English, and become a comic book artist in America.

Of course there is people like that. As much as people say they hate Americans they sure do keep coming over here. It's like people who listen to Britney spears but hate her guts. ( Which is so offtopic )
There is also Americans in America that'd cut their leg off to have the time and money to go to a California comic con. << Like me.

shoujobeat 02-29-2008 02:45 AM

Me I never read any comics untill I read mangas**I always thought that batman and spiderman was for boys,** so I avoide it, I watch the shows and stuff but thats about it, I don't think I'll ever read one either because I'm so use to the japanese mangas, now I just can't stand them(U.S comics). Maybe if I read them when I was younger I would have like them. But now only mangas and korean comic I read n_n

kokunin 02-29-2008 03:33 AM

i read american comics for alittle while, but i was getting tired of seeing super strong looking dues, plus the art was always too "flashy"..then i met manga or manwha, and now I'm going back to american...lol...they're both good, but to mee manga has some better stories, the people seem more "killable" in manga than in american comics, but with manga, the characters, almost always seem to nice, i guess, if they aren't nice then the story is jacked sometimes...lol Now pretty face is funny...i liek spawn, i liked some others that i don't remember...

SSJup81 02-29-2008 04:10 AM

I read both, even though, lately, I read more manga than US comics. For US stuff, it's mostly strips I read, like...

For Better or For Worse
Family Circus

I also really like the Archie comics and still read them every once in a while. I like the Archie Double Digest and Jughead's. I don't like Betty & Vernoica's comic much.

persiandragon 02-29-2008 04:55 AM

when i lived in arizona for a couple years for school, i bought most of my manga from a comic book store and also got comic books from there. i like them both the same.

now though that i am back in los angeles, the comic book stores are out of my way so i haven't really read comic books for a while. have ben reading manga though.

Nyororin 02-29-2008 05:42 AM

Only manga at this point.

More because I have absolutely no access to comics, but manga are everywhere. Same for bunko (Like the マ series, 狼と香辛料, 十二国記, はるひ etc) compared to English novels. Bunko are everywhere, but I`d have to pay an arm and a leg for something in English.

I did read comics back in high school, when my boyfriend was part of that culture.

MMM 02-29-2008 06:21 AM

I grew up on American comics...X-Men, Daredevil, Wolverine, Vigilante, Moon Knight, Iron Man, Teen Titans, New Mutants, the list goes on...

Then I got into anime a bit in college...Akira, Dominion: Tank Police, Dirty Pair, Appleseed...

Then in recent years got into manga...Lone Wolf and Cub, Tomie, Tezuka stuff...

and that brought me back to the US comic world... Full circle.

Rogozhin 02-29-2008 10:44 AM

Ah yes, I LOVED Archie comics. Jughead was cool and Veronica was hot stuffz

Hisuwashi 02-29-2008 12:25 PM

I don't read them, though I read the whole of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book.

light0yagami 03-01-2008 03:25 AM

i dont read them, i find them rather boring.

typing 03-12-2008 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Odin (Post 408980)
Cigarette smoking rabbit and beer drinking goose.
Cigarro & Cerveja, by Tony Esteves (Canadian webcomic)

Home Page

Ahh that's the ticket!

He went to my universities main campus (I went to the sub campus in a different city so I read his comics in the school newspaper, met him at Animethon.)

Nice guy, funny comic.

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