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kainpendragon 10-25-2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by kudo (Post 2391)
the ending kind of annoyed me though. i mean..they gave it a too realistic ending for an anime. i kind of hoped for a return appearence by someone...for thsoe that watced/read it..you know who i'm talking about. :p

(i'm taking about Hikaru no Go)

Yeah i hoped for the same thing i had to go pick up the manga after watching the anime. in the American Manga version the arts makes comments about hopeing they can do one last ova to finish it off like the manga.

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-25-2006 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by kudo (Post 2211)
i read tenjo tenge, its really good. ^^
i read and saw gunslinger girl. its really good. kind of sad at some points. its also been dubbed, so be careful which versio you download. ^_^

That's really cool. I glad you saw it. Tenjo Tenge is really cool the artist is amazing.

I LOVE Initial D. I had a really cool ending. I never saw the life-action film even though I really want to.

Has anyone read Airgear? It is about roller blading kids.

Vesperd 10-25-2006 05:47 PM

Yeah Tenjo Tenge is great, has loads of fighting styles.. but some powers remind me of a show called dragonballz.

kudo 10-25-2006 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 2398)
That's really cool. I glad you saw it. Tenjo Tenge is really cool the artist is amazing.

I LOVE Initial D. I had a really cool ending. I never saw the life-action film even though I really want to.

Has anyone read Airgear? It is about roller blading kids.

saw initial D...actually, i burned the whole thing to DVD's. lol. so many..x.x;
there was a crazy amount of songs they released for it too...daaamn

haven't read airgear yet. i guess its really good?

ShadesOfDusk 10-25-2006 06:33 PM

havent read air gear but i've seen the anime. its funny but its to bad that they cut it short. they are making a movie for it though

Vesperd 10-25-2006 06:41 PM

I havent read air gear, but the anime was sweet... the animation was sick.. show very fastpaced.. the stunts and tricks were awesome.. especially simca the pink haired girl(leader of genesis) she had skills! hey who knows.. lets hope for airboarding in 50 years time! I'd be an oldman flipping wall to wall :)

kudo 10-25-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Vesperd (Post 2475)
I havent read air gear, but the anime was sweet... the animation was sick.. show very fastpaced.. the stunts and tricks were awesome.. especially simca the pink haired girl(leader of genesis) she had skills! hey who knows.. lets hope for airboarding in 50 years time! I'd be an oldman flipping wall to wall :)

hey, who knows in 50 years...they might be able to make old geezers have that mcuh more energy. lol

Vesperd 10-25-2006 07:02 PM

ahh 50 years, so many of my dreams will come true.. by that time i will be in Japan.. have a holiday in space.. and yea buy a flying car :D

kudo 10-25-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Vesperd (Post 2491)
ahh 50 years, so many of my dreams will come true.. by that time i will be in Japan.. have a holiday in space.. and yea buy a flying car :D

flying cars are't that far off into the future eh? you should look it up, there have been many advancements in different typs of flying cars. even portable helicopters!!

Vesperd 10-25-2006 07:11 PM

For sure, the early models will hopefully be released 2010.. just before the London Olympics :D

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