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R2KSnow 08-08-2007 08:40 PM

random storyline for anime i came up with
hey guys im just like throwing out basicly my rough copy of some anime.

takes place in about 1500. aka no guns. haha. okay so it starts off with a young boy 3 years of age named kenohe. his mother is an elf and his father is a human. just recently elves have taken over the goverment and ordered to kill off all of the humans. not all elves agree with this so they split into 2 groups that equally control japan. the solar elves which control the southern half and believe in keeping the humans alive. and the lunar elves which control the northern half and want humans dead. kenohe and his parents lived in sendai where they were attacked by lunar elves. both of his parents were killed and kenohe was found by a priest. this priest brought kenohe to the south and raised him. well thats what i got. i was thinking that the story would take place when he was about age 17. he would of course be bent on revenge but would come to realize that he olds an ancient power and was of direct bloodline through and ancient queen of sorts. idk thats just what i got so far. the lunar and solar elves will no many spells. but different depending on what kind of elf. kenohe will be able to use both spells and yeah idk what do you think? its got many holes in it but it could be a start rite?

Lien 08-08-2007 08:48 PM

I think it sounds good, only thing you need is graphics :) I always think up storyline's not only for comic books but also for horror movies, to bad I can't draw (we'll they say I can but when i draw something and i don't like the look of it i throw it away and i get angry:rolleyes: )

Sakurachan 08-08-2007 08:59 PM

Sounds good!!
That's a really great start! I like the way it's a story which people can view from different points- like, I can see parallels with a lot of extremist regimes, particularly with the division of Vietnam into Norrth and South before the Vietnam War. At the same time, it could simply be a cool-sounding fantasy manga!!

I think perhaps having him descended from a queen or having incredible powers may be slightly clichéed... but then again, it's a popular idea. Perhaps you could alter that to something a little more unexpected? As he was raised by a priest, I personally would want to see the effects of that on him? Perhaps they're the cool fighting type of priests, or even magic using, in which case he could use that along with his good old elfin magic?? Just an idea!

Anyway, I'd buy it ^~ But I agree- get some graphics going- I find the storyline often develops with that, too.

R2KSnow 08-09-2007 12:01 AM

hahahahaha im drawing desabled... i tried a sketch for kenohe but i cant get the body type im looking for rite... i want like a tall skinny character.. and i was always thinking maybe there could be another child found by the priest of the same age. and they grew up together? but hey thanks for the input

Sakurachan 08-09-2007 09:26 PM

Hey, input is what the thread is for!! ^^ I like the second child idea... would he be similar, or would his viewpoint on everything be like diametrically opposed to Kenohe's? Ooh, future tension much?


R2KSnow 08-09-2007 11:15 PM

what does diametrically mean haha? i was thinking maybe the second child could grow stronger and have to pull kenohe out of some bad decisions early in the series, but kenohe becomes much stronger further in and is type of a savior?

bleachgirl 08-10-2007 01:05 AM

i absolutely luv your idea it is sooo cool! if i found that in a store i would totally bye it :ywave:

KohanaIto 08-10-2007 01:15 AM

wow that sounds so kool :D i love it :mtongue:

Lien 08-10-2007 07:24 AM

What about : he loses contact with this kid he grows up with and then many years later he finds out this kid has joined the bad sides and in one battle scene he has got to fight him but he doesn't want to and they start working together, or something like that... sorry for my bad spelling :)

Shiningmonkey 08-10-2007 09:02 PM

Sounds cool. Can't wait to see how it turns out

R2KSnow 08-11-2007 03:11 AM

haha give me like my entire life im not creative haha this is the best ive ever done

Sakurachan 08-16-2007 03:15 PM

Haha! Diametrically means, as in, totally opposite to. But I like your idea!! So... s/he would be a kind of older brother/sister figure at first, but Kenohe would become the stronger one?



Originally Posted by R2KSnow (Post 202389)
what does diametrically mean haha? i was thinking maybe the second child could grow stronger and have to pull kenohe out of some bad decisions early in the series, but kenohe becomes much stronger further in and is type of a savior?

R2KSnow 08-31-2007 02:09 AM

yeah pretty much...

belee 09-30-2007 03:46 PM

I really don't like Liens idea:


He loses contact with this kid he grows up with and then many years later he finds out this kid has joined the bad sides and in one battle scene he has got to fight him but he doesn't want to and they start working together.

I think that is to classical and so predictable. The moment you read that his friend disapears and that the main character is going to fight the evil side, you just know that his old friend will be the boss or the boss's right hand.

Take my advice. If you want to create/write a manga that's not like thousands of others, wich are never going to be famous, then you should NOT... I repeat, NOT use the idea that Lien gave you.

Othern that that I just want to say: Good luck with the manga.

Ps: Feel free to write to me if you have any questions. My hotmail is [email protected] (don't add me to msn. I'll just remove you if you do withoute my permission).ds

Lien 09-30-2007 07:02 PM

Ok thanx for making me look silly :D Well i have better ideas but i keep them for myself cus i'm learning to draw manga at the moment so well...

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