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MMM 01-22-2009 02:11 AM

If dates matter, this was published Dec 3, 2008, almost a month after the election:

About 130 million Americans voted, up from 122 million four years ago. Still, turnout fell short of the 140 million voters many experts had forecast. With a little more than 61 percent of eligible voters casting ballots, the 2008 results also didn’t match the record 63.8 percent turnout rate that helped propel President John F. Kennedy to victory in 1960.

from the Atlantic.

Wikipedia has it at 129.3 million. Regardless, it's the most ever in US history. It was NOT a close race, which is one reason the numbers are not as high as predicted (140 million) and the Republican candidate was not universally popular among his party, which is another reason the numbers aren't as high as once predicted.

Again, still, the most voters EVER. The most people at the inauguration EVER. Enthusiasm and expectations are high, but so is the mood.

Thief 01-22-2009 09:41 AM

zionist fraud...

noodle 01-22-2009 10:46 AM

MMM, this isn't a dig at you or anything, I simply just want to understand. Why are numbers like this so important to you when the population in America has increased so much and so much money has been spent this time etc? Don't you think percentages would be better? Or at least comparitive stats?

fluffy0000 01-22-2009 10:58 AM

sort of more accurate
The difference btwn 2004' and 2008 voter turnout is now an increase of 2.4%
Dec 17-2008 American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate (CSAE) The Durability of the 2004 and 2008 High General Election Turnout:
There is nothing in either the 2004 or 2008 election that indicates a durable return to high levels of engagement on a sustaining basis.
The 2004 election was an election polarized by President Bush and the war in Iraq and drew people to the polls on those issues.
The depth of feeling in this general election was even deeper. But in
type they are like the election of 1982 (a recession year) and 1992 (the three R election—recession, “Read My Lips,” and Ross Perot).
Each produced a surge in turnout neither was durable.
In this year when the nation had the second highest voter turnout ever in the presidential primaries and the third highest turnout since 1920 in the general election,it also had the lowest turnout ever in the gubernatorial
and U.S. Senate primaries held on days other than when the Presidential primary was being held.

Sinestra 01-22-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Thief (Post 667731)
zionist fraud...

ah the intelligence:rolleyes: at least state your opinion behind your statement and oh read my first post i stated what this thread was all about this is not a POLITICAL PLATFORM thread there are other threads dedicated to that.

Bureda 01-22-2009 06:19 PM

Can you picture Barrack boppin' to Ludcaris's P***y Poppin' video?

MMM 01-22-2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sinestra (Post 667803)
ah the intelligence:rolleyes: at least state your opinion behind your statement and oh read my first post i stated what this thread was all about this is not a POLITICAL PLATFORM thread there are other threads dedicated to that.

I am with you Sinestra. Others can argue how insignificant January 20 was, but I will surely remember it for the rest of my life.

Sinestra 01-22-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 667907)
I am with you Sinestra. Others can argue how insignificant January 20 was, but I will surely remember it for the rest of my life.

Ya know im really not trying to bash anyone. Every person is entitled to their own opinion and i respect that but only if you post WHY you have such feelings and actually generate a discussion instead of petty one lined ignorance. Im usually the quiet one and just dont involved the usual crap around here, but some comments just irritate me.

MMM is right weather you like Obama or not the crowed was full hope the air was positive i know I WAS THERE from 6am to 7pm i talked with people i felt their excitement and when i see non citizens flying thousands of miles to see a man sworn into the highest office of a country they don't even reside in that tells me something. You don't have to believe me if you don't want too, but speak with anyone who spent their time in the freezing cold just to see this man speak. You think people would brave 18-20 degree weather just to see anyone speak HELL TO THE NO. Its was a part of history and many of us will remember it for the rest of our lives and i know i will. If you chose not to acknowledge it so be it but do not BASH people who after 8 long years of misery want to start being optimistic and hope that the country will get better. I for one (forgive my language) would rather think the country is going to get back on track then to sit around like a whiny bitch and complain about this and that. (by the way if you didn't vote you don't even get that privilege)

Once again we can have constructive debates without resorting to childlike name calling we all differ on opinion its how you voice that opinion that will make other see you as an uneducated fool or someone with an actual IQ.

MMM 01-22-2009 08:12 PM

Well put, Sinestra, and I am already excited by some of the changes he is starting to put in. The moves toward transparency and anti-torture, to name two, are long overdue.

Sinestra 01-22-2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 667936)
Well put, Sinestra, and I am already excited by some of the changes he is starting to put in. The moves toward transparency and anti-torture, to name two, are long overdue.

I saw today that he jumped right into the fray especially with Gitmo which i agree on wholeheartedly. Day 2 was to focus on Foreign Policy so i was anxious to see what he put forth. In the past 2 days numerous leaders have called Obama asking for cooperation even Iran has some positive words.

MMM did you see Fidel Castro comments to Obama?

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