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drinkingvinegar 03-10-2009 04:06 PM

Drinking vinegar
I have started this thread because I wanted to share my experience of vinegars, having done quite a lot of research on many different brands, over the last 4 years.

I was introduced to drinking vinegar while in Taiwan, I knew very little about it, at the time, but now it's become a passion, that i have collected much information and data, that i may write a book.

Although i was wondering if the young people in Japan drink vinegars too, and if any of them had any actual positive data to share.

Japanese vinegar is quite different in taste to Taiwanese vinegar, and I was surprised, that now in Taiwan, it is becoming such a specialised industry that agricultral bio-chemists are now developing better and better drinking vinegars.

Can anyone recommend a good vinegar drink, and especially cocktail recipes.

My favourite one is Sweet apple vinegar, with a crushed ice, a dash of mint, and a slice of lemon......it really is a fantastic drink.

If you wish to know more of the fundimetals of health and vinegar, i would be more than happy to share some of my research...It is a crucial step to making a better healthier environment, and important life style changes, becuase of the controversy over sodium benzoate in most food and drinks, which was discovered by a UK University.

bELyVIS 03-10-2009 05:29 PM

Are you Chinese? My ex GF was and she loved it. She tried too get me into it. I prefer tea.

Pexster 03-10-2009 06:02 PM

when I first seen this thread I said "ew", but after reading
about it, I want to try it without Puking shards of Blood. ^^

But anymore recommendations? And health facts about it?

tohruchan7 03-10-2009 06:23 PM

eww vinegar! i guess ill try it sometime in my lifetime??? i think:confused:

Pexster 03-10-2009 06:33 PM

Yeah right. Ill force it down your throat if you don't. LOL jk

survivingonrice 03-10-2009 08:53 PM

by vinegar...you mean like vinegar,vinegar? the base?...not sure if its good for you as a drink...tho ive heard that if your going to take a drug test(like where you pee in a cup), if you drink like 2 bottles of vinegar the drug doesn't show up in the pee

burkhartdesu 03-10-2009 08:58 PM

It seems to me that the acidity would be bad for your stomach.

survivingonrice 03-10-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 682842)
It seems to me that the acidity would be bad for your stomach.

i thought that vinegar was a base, not an acid

Yuna7780 03-10-2009 09:02 PM

Is this an alcholoholic beverage, or vinegar with a bunch of stuff?

burkhartdesu 03-10-2009 09:02 PM

Due to its acidity, apple cider vinegar may be very harsh, even burning to the throat. If taken straight (as opposed to used in cooking), it can be diluted (e.g. with fruit juice or water) before drinking.[3] It is also sometimes sweetened with sugar or honey.[4] There have been reports of acid chemical burns of the throat in using the pill form.

Pexster 03-10-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by survivingonrice (Post 682839)
by vinegar...you mean like vinegar,vinegar? the base?...not sure if its good for you as a drink...tho ive heard that if your going to take a drug test(like where you pee in a cup), if you drink like 2 bottles of vinegar the drug doesn't show up in the pee

Thanks for saying or i would have drank it.

Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 682842)
It seems to me that the acidity would be bad for your stomach.

That is what i was thinking, but he said it is different from american Vinegar.

peterv20 03-11-2009 04:33 AM

aarrg! when i was 8 years old i had a babysitter that made me drink a cup of vinegar once a day or she'd slap me.it's good for you! it will thin your blood.she'd say.:eek:

Nyororin 03-11-2009 06:49 AM

There is vinegar for drinking, and vinegar for cooking. The two don`t really overlap much.
I have a few different types of drinking vinegar - Mango, Litchi, and Orange - and you mix them with water or juice. You don`t really drink them straight.

There actually is a positive effect on blood flow, as the components that make it taste the way it does also help to clear cholesterol from the blood, etc.

SSJup81 03-11-2009 06:53 AM

I can't recall, but I was told that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before meals is actually supposed to be good for you. I do it, but I forgot in what way it's supposed to be good for you.

Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 683030)
There is vinegar for drinking, and vinegar for cooking. The two don`t really overlap much.
I have a few different types of drinking vinegar - Mango, Litchi, and Orange - and you mix them with water or juice. You don`t really drink them straight.

There actually is a positive effect on blood flow, as the components that make it taste the way it does also help to clear cholesterol from the blood, etc.

That's it! Vinegar is good for Cholesterol and other thigns. Either way, those vinegars actually sound good.

Nyororin 03-11-2009 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 683031)
That's it! Vinegar is good for Cholesterol and other thigns. Either way, those vinegars actually sound good.

The mango is great mixed into orange juice. I also occasionally use them to make dipping sauces - it adds a fruity zest to things.

SSJup81 03-11-2009 07:06 AM

I wonder if I could find some of those in the Asian mart here.

Nyororin 03-11-2009 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 683036)
I wonder if I could find some of those in the Asian mart here.

While the ones I have were made and sold in Japan, I don`t believe they are "Japanese" products. I`m guessing they probably are Asian, but I don`t really know where. I would actually check health stores as it`s pretty likely they`re sold for health benefits more than they are as a food product.

I just remembered - there are quite a few recipes out there on how to make your own flavored vinegars. I have yet to actually try it, but it may be a good thing to try if you can`t locate ready made stuff.

VampireGirl1314 03-11-2009 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by tohruchan7 (Post 682795)
eww vinegar! i guess ill try it sometime in my lifetime??? i think:confused:

vinegar stinks to high heaven and tastes worse.:coldbear: trust me my mom puts it in a lot of my food its grose.>_<
but take vinegar pills, you can get then at any health food store or at any drug store.

Nyororin 03-11-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by VampireGirl1314 (Post 683049)
vinegar stinks to high heaven and tastes worse.:coldbear: trust me my mom puts it in a lot of my food its grose.>_<
but take vinegar pills, you can get then at any health food store or at any drug store.

You do realize that you`re not supposed to drink the vinegar straight, right? When mixed with certain things it is actually really good - but I would never drink it as is.

VampireGirl1314 03-11-2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 683057)
You do realize that you`re not supposed to drink the vinegar straight, right? When mixed with certain things it is actually really good - but I would never drink it as is.

i was five years old when i did that,
i thought it was juice but it smelled weird so i tasted it.:rolleyes:
i was such a stupid five year old to do that.>_<

Aniki 03-11-2009 05:03 PM

After vomiting (usually after drinking too much) a lot I always drink a mixture of vinegar and soda. It helps to start your stomach working.
Also, after getting a sunburn, just rub the spot you burned with vinegar and it'll hurt less.

Jaydelart 03-11-2009 05:22 PM

I'm not Taiwanese or Japanese, but I could relate to enjoying drinking vinegar in some way.
My mother makes this certain kind vinegar sauce, and I often end up drinking some of it straight. It gives a good kick.

... I didn't know they accepted drinking vinegar like that in some countries, though.
That's pretty cool. I learned something new.

una 03-11-2009 05:39 PM

lol is vinegar really that good? To that point, of drinking it like it's some kind of soft drink?
Didn't know about that... but I don't intend to drink it anyway. >o<

Kakashilover 03-11-2009 05:50 PM

thats sad....:rolleyes:

drinkingvinegar 03-11-2009 06:06 PM

Thank you all for your response! I was quite surprised to see so many replies.
It does appear that not many people know much about drinking vinegars, so to enlighten you i will just give you a brief introduction, to the 3 kinds of vinegars on the market.

1. Specially brewed vinegars
2. Distilled Vinegar
3. A mixture of the two above.

I think it is obvious to see, which is the better quality of vinegar, but how many read labels! A guide is price, the cheaper the vinegar, the more artificial it is, and some will just mix distilled water and acid, with no health value at all. So label reading is very important.
It is dangerous to drink vinegars, as one poster quoted, so do not drink vinegars for bets or for fun, it is a weak acid, that needs to be diluted if drinking, and only the fruit vinegars are nice anyway.

Actual ready to drink vinegars are mixed, and the acetic acid is only about 1% but all the other organic acids in vinegar are natural for the body, and come from the fermentation of the brew of aged vinegar and fruit juice. So all consumers should realise now, that everything you consume is either acid or alkaline, even all the fruits and veggies, which is why they say balance your diet.

But who does! Not many in this day and age, of fast food chains and junk food, so a drinking vinegar will supplement the food, for digestion and health benefits.

Drinking vinegars are specially brewed vinegars, in Asia mostly rice is used for vinegar because of the mellow taste. Western vinegars are quite harsh, and the apple cider vinegar, taste awful.

Although vinegar has been used for many health benefits, over 100's of years, and the Japanese are quite famous for their special brew of health vinegars, which are made by the traditional manual way, which makes them quite expensive.

The Taiwanese vinegar I am on about is specially brewed for drinking and not as a food additives, they have been developed by bio chemists, for drinking on a daily bases.

Vinegar is a weak acid and not a base although when consumed, it will have an alkaline effect on the stomach acid. This is because stomach acid is lower than the vinegar acid, stomach acid around pH 2 and vinegar pH 3 to 4.

This means that vinegar must be a neutraliser of acid and alkalines, if the pH is out of balance.

Quite logical if you think about it, a pH of 8 which would be alkaline, would be reduced with vinegar too, So we call drinking vinegar "Balance" because that is what it does. Once the pH is disturbed through diet, illness creeps in, if too alkaline, yeast infection and spots like acne may appear, and if too acidic, tummy upset and gastric problems occur.

Drinking vinegar made from brown rice vinegar is the best, because it provides the building blocks of the human body, it is critical to consume the 8 essential amino acids, the body cannot reproduce, and amino acids are protein based, hence aged brown rice is good, and Apple Cider Vinegar is not so good, when we discuss quality of amino acids, because apples have no protein, and cannot deliver the essential acids for the metabolism to function correctly.

Drinking vinegars are in fact the most healthiest beverages on the market, and the Taiwanese ones do not have a vinegar taste, it's very hard to know it's a vinegar at all.

The idea is to deliver the essential acids every day, for the body to function, or i should say to optimise the pathways of the metabolism and the quality of ATP...which is kind of a currency that the body runs on.

I proved to myself that vinegar does reduce cholesterol and all other blood lipids, by taking blood tests every month for 6 month, although i have no idea it will do the same for everyone, so more data is relative to the study.

Vinegar should break down all blood lipids, and scavenge free radicals in the body, it also effective on some cancer cells, and is more likely to be a true energy drink, when compared to energy drinks, because it does revitalise the body and cells, preventing ageing, it is a preservative and all natural and organic.

Take a look at 3000 year old Drinking Vinegar and view the various flavours and sparkling vinegars...Unfortunately you cannot get these in Japan yet!

I have tasted all of them! I will not bore you much longer, with my passion of vinegar...maybe another day or two, to enlighten those that are interested.

By the way I am English married to a Taiwanese!

drinkingvinegar 03-11-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by una (Post 683161)
lol is vinegar really that good? To that point, of drinking it like it's some kind of soft drink?
Didn't know about that... but I don't intend to drink it anyway. >o<

That is sad indeed, I guess you would rather posion yourself with sodium benzoate which is in almost all beverages, you should really take more care of your health. Coke in the UK, took sodium benzoate out of their drinks, after reading the report from the UK university on the dangers.

Although the debate is on going, but i would rather believe in todays technology advancement of testing, a preservative. Than ignoring the evidence found.:rolleyes:

drinkingvinegar 03-11-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 683157)
After vomiting (usually after drinking too much) a lot I always drink a mixture of vinegar and soda. It helps to start your stomach working.
Also, after getting a sunburn, just rub the spot you burned with vinegar and it'll hurt less.

That's very good! Drinking vinegar is an excellent hang over drink, because it breaks down the alcohol that remains in the blood, so vinegar and soda or just plain old water is good enough.

You should drink vinegar with high glycemic foods, to reduce the sugar spikes and prevent diabetes!

drinkingvinegar 03-11-2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by survivingonrice (Post 682839)
by vinegar...you mean like vinegar,vinegar? the base?...not sure if its good for you as a drink...tho ive heard that if your going to take a drug test(like where you pee in a cup), if you drink like 2 bottles of vinegar the drug doesn't show up in the pee

You must understand the process of vinegar making, and the metabolism, to realise that vinegar is critical for your life and if you do not get those essential acids, you will die, plain and simple fact!

Although it does also depend on the materials the vinegar is made of and in no way, the same vinegar you put on chips....vinegar is only sour wine, it's not nice, although if you ferment it with fruits, extract the fructos and then add it in again, to make it sweet, you will not know the difference between vinegar or juice, other than the traditional twinge in the back of the throat vinegar makes, but no vinegar taste.

What you wrote is cobblers by the way, everything shows up in urine, it's the flushing out system of waste products including free radicals.:D

drinkingvinegar 03-12-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 683034)
The mango is great mixed into orange juice. I also occasionally use them to make dipping sauces - it adds a fruity zest to things.

Remember there are 3 tpes of vinegar

1. Brewed vinegar
2. Synthetic Vinegar
3. Mix of the two above.

The brewed vinegar types are split again into 3 types

1. Grain vinegar
2. Fruit vinegar
3. Pure vinegar

Of course the best quality of drinking vinegar is the grain and fruit mixed, because this provides the 8 essential amino acids for the metabolism!
You must ensure you read labels, health vinegars have no additives or colouring, they are 100% natural and organically fermented.The 8 essential amino acids are the building blocks of cell tissue renewal and fuel for the muscles, with one cycle of the citric acid cycle producing 1 ATP
So if training and body building drink vinegar for energy and revitalising.

drinkingvinegar 03-12-2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by peterv20 (Post 683004)
aarrg! when i was 8 years old i had a babysitter that made me drink a cup of vinegar once a day or she'd slap me.it's good for you! it will thin your blood.she'd say.:eek:

No evidence of thinning blood, however it does reduce blood lipids, and improves cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure. Certain cancers are also prevented from forming, and free radical scavenging is flushed out through urine. Plum Vinegar being the most effective!

ShotaMeister 03-14-2009 08:51 PM

I've been sick since Monday (flu, ugh...) and the only way I could seem to clear my sinuses was by drinking vinegar. But that's the only time I've ever done that, and it was because I was getting really desperate to find something to help my throat. I tried almost everything I could think of, from eating popsicles to gargling salt-water, and nothing helped. Only then did I try drinking vinegar (out of mere curiosity) and it worked! But next time I go to the store, I'm just going to buy some jalapeƱos so I don't have to drink any more vinegar. Wish I would've bought some before I got sick.

Hisuwashi 03-15-2009 04:02 PM

Drinking vinegar is disgusting... once I found a found a half-finished bottle of wine that had been left open for a while and silly me thinking it was still good I had a swig... it was gross >.<

Aniki 03-15-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hisuwashi (Post 684391)
Drinking vinegar is disgusting... once I found a found a half-finished bottle of wine that had been left open for a while and silly me thinking it was still good I had a swig... it was gross >.<

What does a half-finished bottle of wine got to do with drinking vinegar?

Hisuwashi 03-15-2009 05:48 PM

The wine goes sour, and essentially becomes vinegar. :(
(that's why the French call it "vin aigre")

nobora 03-15-2009 11:25 PM

Sugoi! Sounds different!

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