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darksyndrem 12-25-2009 03:46 AM

Christmas Loot
That's right, I don't care what you wished for. What'd you get?!

I got:
An awesome jacket (pics soon; not sure how to describe)
Brown boots - will have to resize, so maybe different one's when I do.
Shaver - Needed that xD
Paratrooper Messenger bag - I needed this too, gots to find my shiz to put in it :D
Popeye tshirt
Red Camel flanel shirt
wallet (I has no money D<)
Nickel Creek CD (self titled)
Crowfoot CD, signed by the three members (Crowfoot is second best contra band in North America)
cool flash light thingy
And I think a few more shirts

All around, good christmas. Food was amazing as usual :D

clairebear 12-25-2009 11:59 AM

£40 from my grandma and grandad, 50 euros from my uncle and auntie
Jack Dee's (comedian) autobiography
The Sims 3 (I got that a few weeks ago but technically it was a Christmas present xD)
Pringles and a bag of Cadbury Roses (traditional Xmas presents in the Clairebear household)
Christina Aguilera perfume
Monkey pajamas :D
A case for my laptop

Considering all I asked for was a laptop case, all of that is quite an achievement. xD

Klint 12-25-2009 01:56 PM

I've only opened my stocking gifts so far, but one of them was a book of Kanji. :D

Amazon.com: Kanji Pict-O-Graphix: Over 1,000 Japanese Kanji and Kana Mnemonics (9780962813702): Michael Rowley: Books

JasonTakeshi 12-25-2009 02:54 PM

- shaving machine (i hate razors, so its handy)
- pijama
- scarf & gloves
- slippers

And that's it. But oh' well, i'm an atheist. Was expecting pretty much nothing.

Mortry 12-25-2009 02:54 PM

All I asked for was money xD
don't need anything else :rolleyes:

ozkai 12-25-2009 03:01 PM

A stock whip, a pair of HOM see through boxer briefs, and loads of Christmas cards.

I was the one buying all the gifts this year.

PockyMePink 12-25-2009 05:34 PM

I got:
A new laptop (of which I am on atm)
Inglourious Basterds DVD (which had been broken in to, and both disks are missing D: )
A wii games with a bunch of mini-games on it
A ring from my boyfriend (he told me not to ask how much it was, lol)
A jacket
An Abercrombe shirt

A small Christmas, but everyone had spent so much money towards my sister and my nephews because their house burnt down a few weeks ago, so I didn't get much.

Kenpachi11 12-25-2009 06:34 PM

I got
Ibanez GSR200 bass
A fury beanie
hollister clothes
a awesome pea coat
chor shorts
and a renew of xbox live of 12 months card.
Pieces of you by tablo
Einsteins theory of relativity

Ryuk999 12-26-2009 05:56 AM

Mi gots...
DVI cable (M/M) :D
Left 4 Dead 2
Resident Evil 5
$50 Best Buy gift card
$25 Barnes and noble gift card
candy in my stocking :vsign:
indepth book on karate (shotokan) mainly for teaching purposes

IamKira 12-26-2009 07:59 AM

college money for tuition next year
some sweet books and manga
clothes i needed
a fun time with my family

and most notable,
a peck on the cheek from a friend :rheart: :)

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