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bluejeanslady 03-25-2011 05:33 PM

i can give a free translation of fukushima = fucking island :confused:

... and exactly this is going on there .. there is no solution but growing up desaster ... and all this because there are complete eggheads are told to solve the problem, but they are not able to do that ... they are the problem ...

therefore we can only hope that better people take the responsibility and save that what is saveable anymore ... its not much ...

its not understandable that the contamined workers have no working clothes for radiation on and now the radiation hurt shall be their own problem ... its not understandable that people should leave the area now by themselfes .. the responsible person there are complete eggheads which has to go to prison for that ... its really unbelieveable ... i protest ...

and all people here which tells me that this will have a good end and it is not dangerous at moment are dreaming ... its out of control .. and its a big big bullshit ... hope the wind and weather turns around that the radiation stays in japan, we donnot want to have that ... asks your politicans and nuclear scientist about this disaster ... its your job ...

and at least i can say the same words like in the beginning of this thread, dont trust anybody, only trust yourself and your inner voice and the only solution is to go as far away as you can .. later on you can return if the situation is over and if its clear where you can settle again and where you cannot do this ever again ... go in distance, leave that area ... i keep my fingers crossed for you, take care of yourself, nobody will do this for you, you see ... :vsign:

funny, there are people who trust in datas and science their hole life, they are thinking they will know everything of a topic but they will never understand how universe is working ... and there are people like me, they take only one look at a situation and say what will go on and exactly this will happen ... of course this is frustrating for the first type of people ... but its hard for the second type too always knowing what will happen ... this is not easy ... the thing is lost and people should go on distance ... thats what i told you very clear and cool from the beginning on ... leave the area ... this is still my opinion, if there is no radiation around you, do that ... later perhaps you can return ... :vsign:


Originally Posted by JohnBraden (Post 858768)
Is it safe to evacuate this thread with a 500km cordon around it?

... LOL ... good answer .. i am a humorous and i am able to laugh about myself of course .. really good :ywave: .. LOL ...


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 858815)
The more and more I read, I honestly think that a lot of this is down to cultural misinterpretation. (This is true of what Bluejeanslady is saying as well as various media sources.)

To put it simply, let us say that we have 4 cultures. I`ll call them A, B, C, and D. To the exact same event, they each respond a bit differently.
A responds with response 1.
B with 1b.
C with 1c.
D with 2.

Someone in culture A is going to be most familiar with their own culture. They`ll probably know a lot about cultures B and C, and see them as the same or similar to their own culture. They may know a little about culture D, or think they do - especially if the culture *looks* somewhat similar to their own.

But for some reason, culture D is responding in a way that is unexpected! As A, B, and C all respond with variations of response 1, to someone in culture A it is the natural and normal response. To someone in culture A, a response as different as 2 can only mean that the event triggering it must be different.

Japan is culture D here. Because people in Japan are not displaying the "normal" response expected by A, it isn`t hard for people to imagine that there must be some difference in what they know of the event. As panic and fleeing is "normal", the people of Japan must not know enough to have this "natural" response.

In reality, it`s just a different response - it doesn`t mean they don`t know what is happening.

It`s all about applying your own values to someone else.

yes, people are different and the reaction are different ... what do you think what will happen here in germany if sth like this happen, for example, people in japan wait quiet and friendly 3 days on gas station with their cars, in germany nobody will wait 3 minutes for that, the strongest will win .. wild east, we say ... this is a question of culture rules and education system of course, menality .. but people are different types, they made a harvard structogramm of types : green are family orientated person, yellow are social orientated, blue are people who believe only in datas, facts and science and red are the emotional ones (like me) ... every person has some parts of this colours in but a big tendence .. so, if you work for an insurance company like me for example and you are a red one you are the best seller ... there are customers you will never get if you donnot know that he is blue for example, therefore you must change your arguments to get the customer and with emotional (red) arguments you loose at once ... ( for example: here in this tread are a lot of that blue ones - therefore we cannot agree, but they are not able to accept other ones like me who are red )... otherwise the red ones are the best seller of the world, a blue one will have no chance as a seller, he has to take another profession ... so this structogramm says a lot about people ... put a red one in a group of blue, green and yellow and its like a vulcano ... its really funny to watch people if you know that .. people are complete different even in one culture ... i think the red ones make in japen the decision to leave the area right at the beginning, they trust their inner feelings and instinct and the rest is uninteresting .. therefore i am not open for arguments of facts and datas, its interesting but not for decisions ... a red one always trust his inner feeling .. the funny thing is, he is always right and the blue one will never understand this ... the best sellers or company founders in the world have much of red because they have visions ... the best is to accept the difference of people and to put the people in the job that are compatible to his colour structrogramm because there he can work successfully ... a blue seller has a hard job ...

RealJames 03-26-2011 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by bluejeanslady (Post 858838)
i can give a free translation of fukushima = fucking island :confused:

... [...] .. [...] ... [...], [...] ... [...] ...

[...] ... [...] ...

[...] ... [...] .. [...] ... [...] ... [...] ...

[...] ... [...] .. [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... [...] ...

[...],[...], [...] .. [...] ... [...], leave that area ... [...],[...],[...], ... :vsign:

This is embarrassing, just being in the same species.

bluejeanslady 03-26-2011 02:15 AM

the nuclear disaster is meant ...

Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 858867)
This is embarrassing, just being in the same species.

hey you, stop this nonsense comment .. this does not means the poor japanese people there, this means the person who make this nonsense there in fukushima atom parc, because they made it worser and worser .. and if you would have read my thread you know exactly that i mean this ... so, stop your troubel making here ... and the nuclear disaster there is fucking island ... even for the people they had lived there before and will never return to their home now ... if you had read my thread, you know this exactly who is meant :mtongue:

and exactly this will go into historie fukushima atom parc, therefore fukushima = fucking island .. because we all worldwide will get much stress with this problem in near future .. and all this would never happen if really international specialists had been called at the beginning to solve this problems, but this japanes eggheads donnot want any help and later on it was to late ... they made the big mistake to talk it down and are not open for help at once ... bad decision ... and if you put water in, indeed the water comes out, every child knows this, if you put sth. in there comes sth out ... so what ? did they think there comes champaigne out ... of course radiated water, what else ..

termogard 03-26-2011 02:22 AM

free translation

Originally Posted by bluejeanslady (Post 858838)
i can give a free translation of fukushima = fucking island :confused:

Baby, would you wash your mouth by a piece of soap before entering the conversation?;)

bluejeanslady 03-26-2011 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by termogard (Post 858876)
Baby, would you wash your mouth by a piece of soap before entering the conversation?;)

you are told to go out of MY THREAD, did you forget this ... you are not welcome here anymore .. go to the doctor with your ego problems mr. little ... and you have to wash more than your mouth and soap will not be enough for you ...

and if you are on the children cancer station of your hospital in next years, you will wish that you havent been such arrogant ... wait and see ...


Originally Posted by termogard (Post 858876)
Baby, would you wash your mouth by a piece of soap before entering the conversation?;)

.. and i am not YOUR BABY .. women like me are not interested in mr. little like you .. under my level .. you can look and dream but you will never reach a woman in red .. you need a woman that you can press down and will not give you contra .... very boring :D .. but she is a good housewife ...


Originally Posted by bluejeanslady (Post 858878)
.. and i am not YOUR BABY .. women like me are not interested in mr. little like you .. under my level .. you can look and dream but you will never reach a woman in red .. you need a woman that you can press down and will not give you contra .... very boring :D .. but she is a good housewife ...

...LOL .. your photo is programm .. but i think you are a totally small person with thick glasses and totally ugly .. or something like that ... LOL ... every man who make himself bigger is mostly a nobody with no chance ... if i read your messages i always see a canarian bird who is plustering his featers to come to double size .. but after this action he is a small one again ... LOL ... i see always a yellow canarian bird if i see you ... LOL ... you are really amazing me .. dont stop writing .. its delicious ... :ywave:


Originally Posted by termogard (Post 858876)
Baby, would you wash your mouth by a piece of soap before entering the conversation?;)

...LOL .. your photo is programm - you are a zimtzicke .. but i think you are a totally small person with thick glasses and totally ugly .. or something like that ... LOL ... every man who make himself bigger is mostly a nobody with no chance ... if i read your messages i always see a canarian bird who is plustering his featers to come to double size .. but after this action he is a small one again ... LOL ... i see always a yellow canarian bird if i see you ... LOL ... you are really amazing me .. dont stop writing .. its delicious ... :mtongue:

termogard 03-26-2011 02:55 AM

the thread

Originally Posted by bluejeanslady (Post 858877)
you are told to go out of MY THREAD, did you forget this ... you are not welcome here anymore .. go to the doctor with your ego problems mr. little ... and you have to wash more than your mouth and soap will not be enough for you ... :cool:

and if you are on the children cancer station of your hospital in next years, you will wish that you havent been such arrogant ... wait and see ...

First of all - this is not your thread as well as this is not your forum, my dear poor and naive housewife from a God-forgotten european cattle farm :)

Nyororin 03-26-2011 02:58 AM

If this thread is nothing but people insulting each other, I will close it and start passing out the temp bans.

This is the final warning. I don`t care who started what.

RealJames 03-26-2011 03:00 AM

triple posting? in a reply to 1 response?

Fukushima is a common family name also, show some respect.

GoNative 03-26-2011 04:29 AM

Once again the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK is a voice of reason in a world of madness.



March 25, 1600hrs

British Embassy Briefing for BCCJ Members

In response to members of the British Community who have expressed an interest in receiving regular updates regarding the situation at Fukushima, the British Ambassador to Tokyo, David Warren, and the UK's Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir John Beddington, as well as representatives from the UK’s Health Protection Industry and the Department of Health, held a telephone briefing today at 1600hrs.

Here is a summary of the briefing (please note that this is designed to summarise the briefing for the benefit of BCCJ members and is not an official Embassy transcript):

Reactors: Current Situation

Sir John explained that the situation is still extremely serious, but that the Japanese authorities are making quite good progress at keeping things regulated, especially with regards to reactors 5 & 6. He went on to say that the "worst case scenario" imagined by the UK last week, is now very unlikely indeed. Although there is still a cause for concern, Sir John related that there are real indications of some progress. An example of this is that the Japanese have started to substitute seawater with fresh water in the cooling process, which will help the situation, because sea water evaporates more quickly than fresh water. Sir John said that this development is "very good news". Another example of progress is the restoration of power to the reactors.

While steam releases may be worrying to look at, Sir John said that the Japanese authorities are closely monitoring radiation levels and there is no indication of harmful radiation entering the atmosphere, "they are making steady progress". We can't forget about the dangers and are not "out of the woods yet" but there is a definite improvement to the situation. Advisors in the UK and nuclear experts also think that what the Japanese are doing is appropriate.

Water and food: Current Situation

Water: The advice being given by the Japanese authorities is sensible and people should follow this advice, Sir John said. He explained that the Japanese are very cautious in comparison to the UK and Europe in general and that any warning levels are based on cautious assumption, and dosage accumulated over a period of time. It is completely safe to wash in the water, he said. There is no need to buy bottled water to bathe children, for example. Also, there is “no point whatsoever” in taking iodine tablets at the moment, as there is no threat and the effects of the tablets only last for 24 hours. If a radioactive plume was due to come over Tokyo, Sir John assured attendees that the British Embassy would give advice about when to take the tablets. Giving the tablets was an "entirely precautionary" measure by the Embassy. The levels of radioactivity that were found in water were below anything we would issue a warning about in the UK, he said. In addition, the warning is based on two whole months of consumption. Sir John reconfirmed that the Japanese authorities "get onto these things within a matter of hours or days" and there is a big level of precaution involved. In conclusion, it is unlikely that something would go amiss for 2 months when the authorities are being so vigilant.

Food: Sir John stated that the basic advice is that people should “absolutely avoid” all food from the affected area. In particular, shellfish and seaweed should be avoided as they accumulate higher levels of radioactivity than other seafood. He said that fish from the area should be avoided too, although fish do not accumulate as much radioactivity. The situation and advice regarding food will be changing as time goes on but Sir John advised; "if in doubt, do not eat it". He mentioned that longer term contamination in the area will be a problem, but that levels of radiation in food are easy to monitor and that this would help the Japanese regulate the situation.

Q: What would be the trigger for current travel advice to be lowered for Brits?

Attendees were urged to understand that Embassy travel advice is not predicated on radiation alone "Japan is a disturbed place just now". There is no reason from radioactivity point of view why you couldn't live happily in Tokyo, Sir John said.

Q: What is the area of contamination?

The Japanese authorities are taking highly precautionary measures; quite how far the area will spread out cannot be monitored from the UK, said Sir John. Experts in the UK recommend that you follow the Japanese advice. The contaminated area may in fact be wider than the current evacuation area and will probably cover a significant area around the plant, but dependent on wind direction and rainfall. He went on to say that plants will be affected, as will rain and seawater, but is confident that the Japanese authorities will monitor this.

Q: There has been natural cooling in the reactors - how does this affect your outlook?

Every day that passes sees a drop in radioactive levels trough natural processes, Sir John said, so "it will get easier over time", but he stressed "I don't think we can relax yet". It will take a matter of weeks before we can relax; the food situation will take longer than a week; the clean up will take several years. As an aside, it was mentioned that clean up depends on the fertility of the soil in the area.

Q: What are the dangers to those living closer to the plant?

Sir John said that in the event of a meltdown of reactors, people should stay indoors, take iodine tablets, as directed by the authorities, and follow advice given by the authorities.

Q: Can you comment on Cesium in the water?

Authorities will be measuring this but there is no evidence of anything that poses a problem now, said Sir John, however, vegetation could suffer for months.

In conclusion, Sir John urged attendees to use the monitoring being done by Japanese authorities as a guide. He is confident that if there is an alarm, the Japanese will keep people informed. He stressed that he doesn't think the UK’s worse case scenarios are plausible now, but that calculations are continuing to be done every 3 to 4 hours. Finally, Sir John emphasised that he is happy to keep up a dialogue with British nationals in Japan and will make himself available for another briefing next week if desired. For now, the UK will monitor changes, hold regular meetings and keep the Embassy informed

RealJames 03-26-2011 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 858890)
Once again the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK is a voice of reason in a world of madness.

seriously informative, thank you for that! It made for great conversation with some of my friends here!

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