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BobbyCooper 07-28-2011 12:03 AM

My heart warmed up after I watched this video guys!!

The topic is irrelevant!

Only focus on the Japanese people in this video but don't ignore the Western.

OHayou 07-28-2011 12:23 AM

My heart is warming already! ! :rheart: I can see where you're going with this Bobby and I feel better already knowing that if I was born in Japan and one of my parents was American and the other Japanese that my Japanese brethren would accept me with open arms.

Also, I like how you cleverly snuck yourself in to give a comment @ the 5:50 mark.

BobbyCooper 07-29-2011 09:50 AM

Oh no, no Hayou^^ you mixed me up with the guy at 0.41

I'm glad you felt the same way watching this vid :rheart:

and I'm sure your Japanese brothers will accept you with open arm!! You don't have to be hafu and need Japanese blood in you to be accepted by these people. Just look how big there hearts are!!

There is enough space for everybody in there :rheart:

GabiSoare 07-30-2011 08:00 AM

Sorry to say, but what does hafus mean?
Tx in advance :)

RealJames 07-30-2011 10:33 AM

If you watch this video and believe that the answers given are honest then you are either insanely delusional or haven't the slightest bit of an idea of what Japanese culture is like...

I, a 100% white man, could ask the most racist and white-hating of Japanese people what they think of white people and 999 times out of 1000 would get something along the lines of "I don't really think so much of them" or "we're all the same, aren't we" or some other cooked answer.

A friend of mine was threatened by his father that he'd be disowned if he married his half-Korean girlfriend (who has lived in Japan her entire life, and speaks only Japanese) and yet there was no problem until marriage entered the conversation.

It's kind of like how in western culture everyone's cool with homosexuality and whatnot until their son brings home a boyfriend and then suddenly all that understanding and acceptance is thrown out the window.

tokusatsufan 07-30-2011 10:39 AM

I wouldn't say my heart warmed up. They love biracial people,it doesn't mean they care about actual white and black people!

BobbyCooper 07-30-2011 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 874053)
I wouldn't say my heart warmed up. They love biracial people,it doesn't mean they care about actual white and black people!

lol :D

Like I said, the Topic they are talking about is from no importance.

JohnBraden 07-30-2011 01:15 PM

So, what's the point of this? You say the topic is irrelevant, so why discuss hafus with people on this thread. Focus on the Japanese, why? Because you like them? So what? People in Japan are going to say what's appropriate more often than what they really think, imo....

Are you just trying to psych yourself into thinking you'll be accepted trying to live there or something? You make absolutely no sense....

spicytuna 07-30-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 874052)
If you watch this video and believe that the answers given are honest then you are either insanely delusional or haven't the slightest bit of an idea of what Japanese culture is like...

Don't be too hard on him. You have to experience honne and tatamae to understand its concept. Hard to do if you haven't lived in Japan.

Bobby is setting himself up for some major disappointment.

OHayou 07-30-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 873915)
Oh no, no Hayou^^ you mixed me up with the guy at 0.41

I'm glad you felt the same way watching this vid :rheart:

and I'm sure your Japanese brothers will accept you with open arm!! You don't have to be hafu and need Japanese blood in you to be accepted by these people. Just look how big there hearts are!!

There is enough space for everybody in there :rheart:

lol @ guy at .41... You crack me up Bobby.

For the record, there are Japanese who don't like certain Japanese. There is a Japanese business man living in America that my company deals with who looked in disgust as he was told I was visiting Osaka. His response was "why does he want to go to the country? Tokyo is more interesting than those kind of people." (country used here to imply simple minded, backward type people)

It is strange but I've noticed that some foreigners who live in Japan tend to seem jaded or cynical or just disenfranchised or rude. Perhaps its because they are not seemingly being accepted by the Japanese with open arms like they might have envisioned. Maybe they were always this jaded or cynical or rude.
Just check out some of the youtube J-Bloggers to illustrate this point who would seem somewhat socially awkward or standoffish in their own country (America: where most are from) let alone in a different country.

What was the point of that? Well 2 fold here.

One is the misconception that just because you speak the language of a particular country that this makes you a person that is automatically desirable to hang out with or be friends with. This is probably (probably) why some people who are dissapointed when they go to a different country are dissapointed: their belief that they would be any more agreeable or tolerable or "cooler" in a different country is shattered even when they are fluent. (Remember: you take you with you, if you're a prick in one country..you're probably a prick in another. You can only "hide" your character for so long.)

Second that You young Bobby are a very optimistic and happy person although maybe a bit naive about the fact that there are people in Japan who will not like you. However, maybe you have already accepted this and realize there are people in EVERY country who won't like you. lol

If you can keep your annoyingly happy, go-lucky, Go Japan! spirit alive through the ups-and-downs when you do go to Japan you'll make more friends than enemies.

Which will be 3 friends, 1 enemy, and everyone else scratching their head in bemused bewilderment at you. lol (jk around here yoo)

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