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Sangetsu 06-10-2008 01:55 PM


I love living in Japan. I enjoy the food, the scenery, the culture, and the people. But I have my own ancestry and culture, both of which I am also proud.

Cyasarin 06-10-2008 02:28 PM

I used to be. But even then, it wasn't much. I'm more into my own European and American culture now. I'm too proud to be obsessive over something I'm not. I still think Japan is the snit and I'd love to go visit someday.

Retrogamer77 06-10-2008 02:35 PM

Japanophiles insist on using chopsticks to consume everything from hamburgers to aspirin.

XD. That's so me in some way. I don't know. I used to only eat with chopsticks when we went out to eat at like a Chinese food place or something. But then I found that I really liked them so I use them all the time now. I don't know about Hamburgs though. Hmmm.....

Known for stubbornly defending Japan's long history of IRL banhammering other races.
For even more lulz, mention the Rape of Nanking or the Bataan Death March and watch them deny it like Ahmedinejad does the Holocaust.

Oh man, that's wrong, hilarious, and so totally true. I say that we round all of them up and launch them all to the sun.

In photographs, a Wapanese will always be shown making a peace sign with one hand while squinting their eyes and contorting their facial features into a grotesque imitation of the ^_^ smiley, EVEN if they weren't actually doing so when the picture was taken.

Hahaha, I do that too a lot. I blame it on Sensei...*runs and hides*
Well, in my defense I switch it up and throw up deuces too. lol.

Wapanese have a tendency to mercilessly butcher the Japanese language, throwing around random words and phrases whilst completely ignorant to what they mean. For this reason, the term "Wapanese" can also refer to the language spoken by such sad individuals. Almost all Wapanese will pretend to know the Japanese language and will constantly go "I know Japanese!! Kawaii!!" when a Japanese or part-Japanese loli comes within 20 miles of the vicinity. Most Wapanese cannot actually sustain a conversation for more than five seconds with a Japanese person.

Omg, YES! If you want to speak Japanese, take a friggin class! That way you can say something other than "You stole my jewel shard you bastard!"
...no I don't watch/like Inuyasha, so sue me.:rolleyes:

Usually saving up for their next trip to Japan, so they can buy a lolita dress that their fat will spill out of. Most likely will be worn with striped socks and Hot Topic $20 shoes.

THOSE...ugh. I hate those people, so not the business. Like really, how hard is it to buy clothes that FIT. Oh wait, that wouldn't be very Japanese like...*stab*

Listening to shitty J-rock bands nobody has ever heard of and believing that every male in japan is a hermaphroditic transvestite.

*Hugs AnCafe and makes puppy dog eyes*

Closely related to the rarer "Koreanophile".
Has an account on crunchyroll, an Jewtube wannabe site infested with Japanophiles and/or Koreanophiles.

Aaaah, now that sounds more like me. ;)

Um..so I just died laughing at all the truth and hilarity at everything there. I...I think I might just love you...SUGOI! :rheart:


are1989 06-10-2008 03:22 PM

I listen to mostly Japanese music and watch a lot of Japanese tv shows, but I do so because I have been learning for 2 and half years and it's a great way to improve your language skills without really studying. Watch 2 animes aswell... but I don't think thats enough to make me a whatever you call it...

AmbeRz 06-10-2008 03:27 PM

Lol, I'm not really 'wapanese'

I love the country because it looks so much cooler than where I live (the UK)
And I listen to a lot of Japanese music. Thats about it xD

And Jrockers + Johnny's entertainment boys are hott. lol.

Nathan 06-10-2008 06:58 PM

Maybe you should realize not everyone looks down on them? Stop being a condescending jackass simply because someone doesn't agree with your viewpoint.

Daisuki13 06-10-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nathan (Post 510792)
Maybe you should realize not everyone looks down on them? Stop being a condescending jackass simply because someone doesn't agree with your viewpoint.

Can you [and everyone else] please stop arguing with him ?
He has his own opinions too, and people don't have to listen to them, okay ?
So, stop getting on his case because of his opinion, just because it's different, even if it is rude.
The people don't have to listen to him.

Daisuki13 06-10-2008 07:46 PM

Why thank you, JapanMan

SailorBratt18 06-10-2008 08:28 PM

Just out of curiosity, does Excessum consider himself wapanese?? haha.

I wouldn't say that I'm full blown wapanese. I do maybe 20-30% of that stuff. It's not to say that I think I'm Asian. All my friends call me a wasian because I'm into stuff concerning Japan. I WOULD love to go to Japan and I AM going this summer. I don't like everything Japanese but there are aspects about the food, the culture, music, and clothing that I like.

But I do agree that there are some people that take it to the extreme and they should try and become more focused on their own country instead of being something they're not. However, I think it's a good thing for people to at least try and understand other cultures better (as long as they do so respectfully).

DesiredMess 06-10-2008 10:26 PM

If you like something on that list, to each their own. It's rude to look down on something you don't agree with.
What I'm saying is, yeah you might think it's creepy how some people are so obsessed, but it's their interest. Let them be.

DesiredMess 06-11-2008 12:04 AM

You can care about your looks all you want. I don't think anyone should bother you. People can just be ignorant and attack other for what they don't see fit.

So you can care about your looks all you want. It's your life, you like what you like. :o

MMM 06-11-2008 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 511100)
So than why do people on here look down upon me for caring more about looks

Because focusing on looks over the person inside is often regarded as shallow.

SSJup81 06-11-2008 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 511110)
Well than couldn't I regard people caring about just personality as shallow. Since we are just making up rules

As a female, I wouldn't want to date a guy who was interested in just my looks. To me, that gives off the impression that the guy is interested in just one thing. To me, you're coming across as that since, apparently, the other features of the girl wouldn't matter, just as long as she looks good to you.

SSJup81 06-11-2008 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 511122)
I understand that, but that is not what I am about. I want just a beautiful wife who makes me happy when I come home from work. I want to make her as happy as I can

But you're basing it on looks. What if she's pretty, but turns out to have a rotten personality which is not compatible with your own? When choosing to be with someone, it shouldn't be based on just one factor of the person...it should be a combination, and saying "looks" is pretty much the immature way of going about it.

manganimefan227 06-11-2008 12:28 AM

No I like the Japanese culture, but I don't humiliate myself by being clueless in what I say that has to do with Japanese.

For Example, I don't say kawaii every second.

stfuKAT 06-11-2008 01:04 AM

That's ridiculous.

MMM 06-11-2008 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 511110)
Well than couldn't I regard people caring about just personality as shallow. Since we are just making up rules

You asked, I answered.

Most people regard the person inside more valuable than how a person appears on the outside. You know the phrase "Beauty is skin deep." That is want that means.

People that care about the person inside more than how they look are usually considered thoughful, caring and insightful...the opposite of shallow. You are aren't going to get too far with that argument, I believe.

JpopGirl 06-11-2008 03:32 AM

I can`t choice anything on your poll. You Don`t have None of the above.or Japanese

I am part Japanese (mother) And part American part English and part German (Father) My mother was Born and raised in Japan My fathers Parents came from Germany And I was born in the USA with my older sister and 2 brothers.So what does that make me?

MissMisa 06-11-2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 511131)
She would not have a rotten personality because she would be happy to see me when I came home, and be a nice mother to my children. I just love beautiful women, that is what I am attracted to and someone who is nice. Is that so shallow

Yes, that is shallow.

Hatredcopter 06-11-2008 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 511306)
serious case of dementure...

Heh... dementia, perhaps?

Gorotsuki 06-11-2008 10:48 AM

People never embrace the culture they're from. I know a lot of asians who are "ashamed to be yellow".

Anywho on topic I'm not wapanese in that sense probably more in a literal sense but not much white. I don't wish to be all japanese either because its more fun being mixed.

Hikikomori 06-11-2008 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 511123)
But you're basing it on looks. What if she's pretty, but turns out to have a rotten personality which is not compatible with your own? When choosing to be with someone, it shouldn't be based on just one factor of the person...it should be a combination, and saying "looks" is pretty much the immature way of going about it.

He is not basing it on looks. Do you thing a person can make another person happy just by looking good? When he says that he want a beautiful wife that makes him happy when he comes home, he means that she is beautiful to him. And that ain't the same as choosing your wife just because she looks good.

A person can't be beautiful without a beautiful inside and a beautiful outside.

ivi0nk3y 06-11-2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hatredcopter (Post 511345)
Heh... dementia, perhaps?

Denture! Old People! Dementia!

Anyway, Wapanese? Its quite clear that having an unhealthy obsession about anything means there is a lack of something, somewhere else in someones life.

Retrogamer77 06-11-2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by JapanMan2 (Post 510761)
Why are you proud of these things, these are things people look down on you for. Even in JF forum where anything Japanese is worshipped like a god, it is still looked down upon. Maybe you should look yourself in the mirror and make some life changes

Um...why am I proud of the fact that I like something? Because I like it. In case you were wondering, I don't consider myself 'Wapansese'. I do consider myself a Japanophile in the true/older sense of the word. (we had a discussion about this a long time ago)

Yes I eat with chopsticks...a lot. I like them. lol. Yes I watch anime, I like it! I don't say SUGOI or KAWAII every ten seconds because I think it's stupid. I'm actually learning the language because I'm interested in it. I've read many a book on various aspects of the Japanese culture, again, because I'm interested in it. I like Japan, so shoot me. Really now, I don't consider Japan to be heaven on earth or anything like that. I know they've done terrible ridiculous things in the past but hell, welcome to the club. Everyone else has too. I just found it amusing all of the stupid things people do because they feel 'Japanese is the way to be!' Really, it's like some sort of diseased fad thing now. I'm not yet crazy enough to be a Koreanophile but I'm getting there. :rolleyes:

(note the sarcasm there as you seem to be having a problem with that.)

Did you actually READ what I wrote?

*shakes head*

kyo_9 06-11-2008 03:27 PM

just be yourself.. appreciate your genuine..

SatoriOne 06-11-2008 03:27 PM

Ive always wondered this. But I dont think I am. I like Japan and know alot about the country, but it I wont like something just because its Japanese. In fact there are all sorts of things I hate about Japanese culture that I wont go in to. They are there though.

YumiTaka 06-11-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by SatoriOne (Post 511499)
Ive always wondered this. But I dont think I am. I like Japan and know alot about the country, but it I wont like something just because its Japanese. In fact there are all sorts of things I hate about Japanese culture that I wont go in to. They are there though.

I want to know what you do not like about Japanese culture?:vsign:

SatoriOne 06-11-2008 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by YumiTaka (Post 511501)
I want to know what you do not like about Japanese culture?:vsign:

Ok. Here is one thing. I hate Johnnys Jimusho and all its latest groups. KATTUN, Arashi, Jump, etc.

RASSERU 06-12-2008 03:30 PM

im confused alot wats wapanese please tell me and if it is a white japanese then i probably am

Kayci 06-12-2008 04:37 PM

Ah, wapanese. The stupidest term created since weeaboo as an insult for the same thing;

Yeah, I love the country; a lot.
Yeah, the food. A lot.
And I LOVEEEE the language, culture, and people. A whole damn lot.

I use japanese daily now as practice. But I don't say "Baka" or "Yaoi" as my main phrases.
I loved the country since I was too young to know what internet was.
I've always been that way- into other cultures. Before Japan, it was china and sweden.

Yeah, I do watch some anime, and I read manga. But it's just 'cause it's entertaining. I'll go for ANYTHING that catches my interest.

There is a joke among my friends I act japanese. But it's just 'cause I change my personality so easily. xDD

I just love japan.
Nothing to be insulted about or teased about. :/

Hikikomori 06-12-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Kayci (Post 512710)
I've always been that way- into other cultures. Before Japan, it was china and sweden. :/

I don't understand why everyone seems to be s intp sweden and swedish, forgetting all about Norway : ( It doeasn't really matter, but I have noticed a lot of people talking about sweden, wanting a swedish friend, wanting an Au pair from sweden and so on, forgetting that Sweden and Norway could have been one country. I have often wondered why Sweden seems to be more attractive than Norway :))

Hikikomori 06-12-2008 08:52 PM

I read the wapanese link thingy now, for the first time. And the person writing it was exaggerating ALOT, and he/she was very rude. I also sat down and answered what looked like a quiz at the beginning and then finding out that "if you answer yes to one of these questions, you are a waggi gay tard" - or something.. hah, and that just made med realize that the person writing it was full of bullshit and that he had just written down his OWN opinion about what wapanese is, not speaking generally about what a wapanese is considered to be.

And about "making a peace sign with your fingers when someone take a picture of you" - thats not "Japanese" at all. Here in norway every girl put up that peace sign when someone take a picture of them. It was and stil is very popular doing so. I never did though because i think it look stupid, and I think it look stupid when japanese girls do it too.

I have never in my whole life wished to be japanese, I only want to be a guest to the japanese culture one year at a time, joining what seems so natural for them. There are many things that I want to try. Like eating a obento, sitting on a tatami floor(seeing a tatami floor), wearing a kimono, eating ramen and curry, sharing my obento with a boy i like, drinking sake, take out my futon from a closet when I'm going to sleep and then put it in the closet again when i wake up..blabla. And I realize that It's just my imagination that this things are so great. Because all the anime i watch and all the movies and all the stuff I find on the internet is making it sound so nice. And I know that sitting on a tatami floor ain't that great. But we don't have any of that stuff in Norway. So I want to live in japan, for one year, live like a japanese person just because I'm not a japanese person, I want to see how they live, feel what it's like, and it's so exciting just because i'm not used to it.

And I suck when it comes to reaching my point, I still feel like I haven't reached it, and that you wouldn't understand what I mean...dame desu

MissMisa 06-12-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hikikomori (Post 512993)
I read the wapanese link thingy now, for the first time. And the person writing it was exaggerating ALOT, and he/she was very rude. I also sat down and answered what looked like a quiz at the beginning and then finding out that "if you answer yes to one of these questions, you are a waggi gay tard" - or something.. hah, and that just made med realize that the person writing it was full of bullshit and that he had just written down his OWN opinion about what wapanese is, not speaking generally about what a wapanese is considered to be.

And about "making a peace sign with your fingers when someone take a picture of you" - thats not "Japanese" at all. Here in norway every girl put up that peace sign when someone take a picture of them. It was and stil is very popular doing so. I never did though because i think it look stupid, and I think it look stupid when japanese girls do it too.

I have never in my whole life wished to be japanese, I only want to be a guest to the japanese culture one year at a time, joining what seems so natural for them. There are many things that I want to try. Like eating a obento, sitting on a tatami floor(seeing a tatami floor), wearing a kimono, eating ramen and curry, sharing my obento with a boy i like, drinking sake, take out my futon from a closet when I'm going to sleep and then put it in the closet again when i wake up..blabla. And I realize that It's just my imagination that this things are so great. Because all the anime i watch and all the movies and all the stuff I find on the internet is making it sound so nice. And I know that sitting on a tatami floor ain't that great. But we don't have any of that stuff in Norway. So I want to live in japan, for one year, live like a japanese person just because I'm not a japanese person, I want to see how they live, feel what it's like, and it's so exciting just because i'm not used to it.

And I suck when it comes to reaching my point, I still feel like I haven't reached it, and that you wouldn't understand what I mean...dame desu

That whole Wapanese article is supposed to be a joke.

Hikikomori 06-12-2008 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 513068)
That whole Wapanese article is supposed to be a joke.

So that is supposed to be a matter of course? I understand that it isn't a serious article, but some people, many people do agree with that article, also in this thread.

MissMisa 06-12-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hikikomori (Post 513077)
So that is supposed to be a matter of course? I understand that it isn't a serious article, but some people, many people do agree with that article, also in this thread.

I don't think they agree with the way the article is formed [which is obviously in a very negative manner.]

I think some native Japanese people and those who are truly interested in Japanese culture may be slightly annoyed by the number of people who are completely misguided about Japan in relation to anime and manga. It seems that that is their extent of the agreement with that article.

Hikikomori 06-12-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 513078)
I don't think they agree with the way the article is formed [which is obviously in a very negative manner.]

I think some native Japanese people and those who are truly interested in Japanese culture may be slightly annoyed by the number of people who are completely misguided about Japan in relation to anime and manga. It seems that that is their extent of the agreement with that article.

Well that is even annoying me. If people want to move to Japan just because of anime and manga, they can visit japan as tourists for 2-3 weeks instead. I love manga end anime myself though, but that is probably 1 of 100 reasons for why I would visit/move to japan someday.

MissMisa 06-12-2008 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Hikikomori (Post 513082)
Well that is even annoying me. If people want to move to Japan just because of anime and manga, they can visit japan as tourists for 2-3 weeks instead. I love manga end anime myself though, but that is probably 1 of 100 reasons for why I would visit/move to japan someday.

Yeah. Personally, it doesn't bother me so much. As far as I'm concerned they can like what they like, and these people tend to be very young and are only just discovering Japan, such as 12-13 year olds [not wanting to stereotype them too much, however, I hate it when people make assumptions based on my age.] And I'm glad that they made it on here, because there are a lot of people with experiances of Japan so they are able to point them in the right direction.

I'm not a super fan of Japan, I just have a casual interest in some of the things over there, at the moment it is particularly the language which I want to learn for business purposes but I'm finding it difficult to get a course.

I love it where I am so it would be very unlikely I would attempt to move somewhere completely different such as Japan.

Oh and, a lot of these people live in America. They probably have the second most amount of anime and manga, second only to Japan. So I don't know what they complain about really, England and other places don't really have anything, if that's all they are interested in anyway.

Kajitsu 06-12-2008 10:59 PM

God, that article is discriminatory!

I guess I need to stop making peace signs when people are taking pictures of me. I don't mean to be making statements with it...

MissMisa 06-12-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kajitsu (Post 513089)
God, that article is discriminatory!

I guess I need to stop making peace signs when people are taking pictures of me. I don't mean to be making statements with it...

I don't even know if the peace sign originated from Japan, I'm quite sure it didn't. I thought it started in England with the V for Victory during the war.

Kajitsu 06-12-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 513092)
I don't even know if the peace sign originated from Japan, I'm quite sure it didn't. I thought it started in England with the V for Victory during the war.

Thank you for saying that.:vsign:

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