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HappyRiceBall 07-16-2007 09:28 PM

Let's stop Global Warming!!
-sigh- Let's Stop Global Warming!! Did anyone went to the Live Earth concert? Ouu, I wish I did T_T. But seriously, we have to help our enviorment. This planet could come to an end in a few years if we dont do something. Some countries will start freezing, rain will turn into acid and much more horrible things. And to think it already started. A horrible future is coming our way, and I dont think is just that our generation and the one coming after us have to suffer because of something we did, because of something we have the chance stop!

So let's STOP being ignorant and START doing something!!!

AllICanSay 07-16-2007 09:35 PM

I wished I could go to the Tokyo Show but to bad I couldn't T__T
ayaka and Ai Otsuka performed there. I wish I could see theme live

pixuli 07-16-2007 09:43 PM

Many people don't care about the global warming or take it too lightly. But I do care! Even if Global warming is a good thing to Finland but not to the world!
we have these electricy saving lamps (I don't know what are they called) and I don't leave things on stand by. I always shut the lights if I don't need them and take short showers with cool water. I use public transformers (I'm not sure are they called like that) and usually never use car...simply because it is broken and nobody cares to fix it... there's no need to car anyway :D I recycle too.

I watched live earth! It was good, I even got to the atmosphere.
It was fun.

HappyRiceBall 07-16-2007 09:51 PM

I agree with you! I've actually met people like that. -scractches back of the head- Global Warming is a good thing for Finland? .......wow...... xD .lol. Well, here in Puerto Rico things are HOT!!! I mean, it's always warm here but now it's more than usual. Though today the weather was cloudy and the temperature is actually nice :3 me liky. xD

pixuli 07-16-2007 10:14 PM

Yeah, if the worst happens I'm sure lots of peoples will move to here : D It is now warm almost hot here but it's good for farmers and plants.
The only problem in global warming for Finland would be winter. snow, santa claus and things like that give a lot of tourism to Finland.
But already last year Finland didn't even had a proper winter, the snow lasted 3 days in south and there was troubles with snow in north too where santa claus lives. They say, that this years summer will be the hottest ever. ´o`
I'm already sweating and I'm from Spain!

HappyRiceBall 07-16-2007 10:29 PM

daaaamn! Hay dios mio....how horrible! Well here it's like a roller coaster xD When it goes UP UP UP the days are super hot! and when it goes DOWN DOWN the days are nice [like today] .lol. xDDD - man...I need to go to dah beach.....xD ooookay that was soooo random!!!! xDDD .lmao.

Maku 07-16-2007 10:43 PM

I would like to just say that it's not our fault, and that it started over a hundred years ago.

HappyRiceBall 07-16-2007 11:03 PM

Oh, I know it started a loooong time ago, but we've just got out of hand with everything. And I'm not saying that it was us, by that I mean our generation, but people that are part of this century. Studies have proved that from 2002 to 2005 have been the hottest in the last two centuries. So all I'm saying is that why have a chance to put a stop to this.

IamKira 07-17-2007 12:03 AM

my god........................Why don't you stop being so arrogant.....global warming is a farse....it is a political scheme and that's all........awww....do you feel hot??....it must be global warming, and not the fact that it's summer!!!.............why don't we stop global poverty or crime instead.........something that would actually do something for us???....and, I'm not going to come back to this thread, so there is no need to debate me on this and try to chnage my veiws..........

Suki 07-17-2007 08:27 AM

Agreed. Everyone's acting like it's the fucking end of the world, well then stop complaining and go do something about it. Plus there're plenty of other problems just as important but no! global warming is first cause we don't want people to know about starvation, poverty, drugs, slavety, etc.

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