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SSJup81 06-27-2009 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 738912)
And this is why this practice is illegal, and like I said, if you didn't see these shows illegally, you would have seen them legally.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't watch television much, and stuff that's shown now, I probably wouldn't see it since I don't get a station that shows it.

I wouldn't consider watching more than one episode "sampling". It sounds like you were watching entire seasons at a time, decided you got bored, and didn't ever pay for the parts that didn't bore you to the artists and publishers that made it.
Who said I "decided" to get bored. I watch a story arc, see how it goes. If I really like how it's progressing, I purchase it (but I'm mostly only like this with anime), if it's available. With manga, as I pointed out, every single series I've ever read a scanlation for, I've bought it once available or either have it on my "to buy" or my "to collect" list since I'm collecting so many series at a time.

The end result is the same. You get entertained and the artist gets squat. That's why it is illegal and wrong.
What's the difference if I'd watched it on television and grew bored anyway? It'd still be the same thing getting right down to it.

MMM 06-27-2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 738915)
What's the difference if I'd watched it on television and grew bored anyway? It'd still be the same thing getting right down to it.

The fact that you can't see this is my point. If it's on TV, then the creators are paid. If you steal it, they are not.

There are all kinds of ways these shows are available to you legally (I listed them earlier) and if you can't afford to do any of them legally then you can't afford to be an anime fan.

SSJup81 06-27-2009 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 738916)
The fact that you can't see this is my point. If it's on TV, then the creators are paid. If you steal it, they are not.

I still don't see it as much of a problem in this regard. If I had watched it on television, I still would've become bored. The difference is that I grew bored prior to its being shown here. I just grew bored earlier as opposed to later.

There are all kinds of ways these shows are available to you legally (I listed them earlier) and if you can't afford to do any of them legally then you can't afford to be an anime fan.
I said earlier I'm not much of an anime fan at all. Even when I used to watch years ago, I think I was watching more for the sake of watching because those around me did.

I'm more into manga and with anime, I'd rather watch it first to see if I like it before actually buying it and if it turns out I don't, would've been money wasted. I also commented on Crunchyroll earlier. A very good alternative, but not enough variety (I only saw one series listed I'd consider watching and not because I seeked it out, but because, as usual, someone recommended it to me). As I pointed out, most of what I want to see are older series that don't have a DVD release or either series that had a limited release that I missed out on.

Edit: Wow, just thought of something. I guess since it's been so long since I've done so in general, I have watched quite a few series over the years in its entirety downloaded, not like part, and then get rid of it, but it was also the early 2000s. Stuff like Fruits Basket and Marmalade Boy and Sailor Moon S, SuperS, Stars. I don't own any of these things either (want to own the SM stuff, though), would like FB to actually continue the story before buying it, so just sticking with its manga still for now, and MB grew bored. Saw other junk too...but I'm having a tough time remembering if I saw them downloaded or on the International Channel or if I saw them with a friend on their DVD (I know I saw Fushigi Yuugi on DVD...hated it >< and Gravitation). That's all the now licensed stuff that's coming to mind anyway.

Maybe I should stop downloading stuff, even if it is rare for me now-a-days. It does seem bad, not that I said it particularly wasn't. I just wish we had a cable station (that's not Digital) that showed anime series subbed as opposed to dubbed all the time or even show them raw, but that'd limit the audiences they would want to bring in. I also wish there was a station with older series. The new stuff just doesn't seem interesting. I also wish that more manga would get licenses and released in the states. I'm tired of waiting for Gokusen to get a manga release when its anime was released here a good while back (and was cool too; forgot what channel showed it, though).

Nyororin 06-27-2009 01:54 AM

For some reason, I get the feeling that people`s assumption of what would be considered "sampling" is very far from what sampling really is.

Sampling is taking a small bite and making a choice. You don`t go into a restaurant, eat all but the dessert, then say "I don`t like the end of this course. Never mind, I`m not going to pay."
That`s not a sample, that`s flat out thievery.

"I watched most of the series but got bored..." just makes me shake my head - clearly, it was good enough to compel you to watch as much of it as you did. There is MORE than enough information about different series out there that I really don`t get how people can say the only way to tell if something is good is by watching it illegally. If you are online to download, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from checking out review sites, story summaries, etc. And if something looks good but isn`t yet licensed/released, the chances of it being released are going to go up a lot if there are people out there expressing interest in BUYING it.

If you read a review/summary and it looks like it is going to suck, then don`t bother with it. If you HAVE to see it to believe it, check out a bit that doesn`t contain most of the series - say, some clips or at the most the first episode.

But I`m willing to bet that for most people it`s the appeal of getting something for nothing...

SSJup81 06-27-2009 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 738931)
"I watched most of the series but got bored..." just makes me shake my head - clearly, it was good enough to compel you to watch as much of it as you did. There is MORE than enough information about different series out there that I really don`t get how people can say the only way to tell if something is good is by watching it illegally. If you are online to download, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from checking out review sites, story summaries, etc. And if something looks good but isn`t yet licensed/released, the chances of it being released are going to go up a lot if there are people out there expressing interest in BUYING it.

But how can you check out review sites for something that's not even released outside of Japan?

If you read a review/summary and it looks like it is going to suck, then don`t bother with it. If you HAVE to see it to believe it, check out a bit that doesn`t contain most of the series - say, some clips or at the most the first episode.
Now this I never agreed with. Everyone has different tastes. Just because one reviewer might say it's one of the greatest series ever, another might not be inclined to agree. I know loads of people like Neon Genesis Evangeleon and Trigun. I saw about 10 eps of each (you know, I try to give it a chance), and I grew terribly bored with both and just dropped it. I know NGE was on tape all those years ago. Forgot where I saw Trigun. Think I saw that on the Int'l Channel. Anyway, I don't think it's good to go by just reviews alone. One should watch to come to his/her own conclusion on it. Same goes for movies. Some movies got great reviews that I thought were "rubbish"...Titanic being one of 'em.

But I`m willing to bet that for most people it`s the appeal of getting something for nothing...
I can honestly say that isn't, and never was, the case with me. To be honest, it never came to mind for me.

Koir 06-27-2009 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 738916)
There are all kinds of ways these shows are available to you legally (I listed them earlier) and if you can't afford to do any of them legally then you can't afford to be an anime fan.

I wasn't aware there was an iron-clad monetary rule a person needs to follow to be considered an anime fan.

Is buying boxsets of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Negima?, Fate/Stay Night, each individual DVD of the "Substitute" arc of Bleach, and Shuffle!, along with single DVDs of Negima? (101 and 201), Slayers the Movie, Full Metal Panic 1 & 2 enough?

MMM, sometimes I get the feeling that you consider anything less than buying every single anime series out there, sight- and knowledge-unseen "stealing", and it doesn't sit well with me.

Nyororin 06-27-2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 738932)
But how can you check out review sites for something that's not even released outside of Japan?

There has never been a point in the last 10+ years where someone has not watched the series in Japan and posted something about it somewhere. If we`re talking 15 years ago, the info starts to get thin, but still even back then I was able to find plenty of info about manga and series airing in Japan posted in English.


Now this I never agreed with. Everyone has different tastes. Just because one reviewer might say it's one of the greatest series ever, another might not be inclined to agree. I know loads of people like Neon Genesis Evangeleon and Trigun. I saw about 10 eps of each (you know, I try to give it a chance), and I grew terribly bored with both and just dropped it. I know NGE was on tape all those years ago. Forgot where I saw Trigun. Think I saw that on the Int'l Channel. Anyway, I don't think it's good to go by just reviews alone. One should watch to come to his/her own conclusion on it. Same goes for movies. Some movies got great reviews that I thought were "rubbish"...Titanic being one of 'em.
That is why you read not just reviews, but summaries of the story, etc. Asking for someone`s opinion is one thing, but asking "What happens?" is another. Even if someone says "It`s great!", if they tell you part of the story and you think it sounds like it sucks - then you probably won`t be interested. It`s really not as hard as it sounds. I go through the process every time I am looking for something new to read, etc.


I can honestly say that isn't, and never was, the case with me. To be honest, it never came to mind for me.
But can you say you would have still watched if they hadn`t been available for free at your fingertips?

SSJup81 06-27-2009 02:13 AM

When it does come to anime, if I buy anything, I'd wait for a boxset release as opposed to buying all those DVDs separately, like I started doing with Cowboy Bebop years ago. All I own are boxsets or I have full series, not counting Tenchi Muyo stuff, like GXP.

SSJup81 06-27-2009 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 738938)
There has never been a point in the last 10+ years where someone has not watched the series in Japan and posted something about it somewhere. If we`re talking 15 years ago, the info starts to get thin, but still even back then I was able to find plenty of info about manga and series airing in Japan posted in English.

I didn't get internet until about 2000. Didn't know much about the internet either at the time. As for manga, back then, I didn't even know what "manga" was. I live in Richmond...not much awareness on Asian cultures here or of junk like anime, manga, etc. It's getting more awareness now, though, but mostly Chinese influences.

That is why you read not just reviews, but summaries of the story, etc. Asking for someone`s opinion is one thing, but asking "What happens?" is another. Even if someone says "It`s great!", if they tell you part of the story and you think it sounds like it sucks - then you probably won`t be interested. It`s really not as hard as it sounds. I go through the process every time I am looking for something new to read, etc.
Seems I am like that with stuff I read, but when it comes to things I watch, usually it was recommended to me, and I just take a look.

But can you say you would have still watched if they hadn`t been available for free at your fingertips?
Probably. If I'm really interested in something, I'll more than likely seek it out, but, if there's no US release, I'll download and watch it until it becomes available, unless, I watched some and just didn't like it. The problem is, with most anime, although there are some exceptions, my interest is mild at best. I usually have an "I can take it or leave it" attitude about it. Most of the time, I "leave it". For instance, that show with the kid...um...Ed. Full Metal Alchemist. I had a mild interest in that. I had the choice of watching it, but I never bothered with it.

Kyousuke 06-27-2009 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 738916)
The fact that you can't see this is my point. If it's on TV, then the creators are paid. If you steal it, they are not.

There are all kinds of ways these shows are available to you legally (I listed them earlier) and if you can't afford to do any of them legally then you can't afford to be an anime fan.

so basically your saying if your poor, tough luck.

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