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ryanjpn 03-16-2007 09:37 AM

Japan Today -> Pearl Harbor?
I currently got into an argument with someone about Pearl Harbor VS. Hiroshima & Nagasaki (in class)

I (being a Japanophile) defended Japan, but half way into the discussion.. I began wondering what Japanese people today think of Pearl Harbor (ie. do they think it was right/justified? etc.)

This thread isn't made to bring up any kind of "bad" emotions..
I'm just really curious and I don't have the guts to ask any of my Japanese friends in real life.. :/

Please help! And arigatou gozaimasu! :D

waningmoons 03-16-2007 10:12 AM

I do know that Japan up until several years ago apologized for the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor, and said they were wrong to have done so. The Japanese government also withheld info just letting the US story that it was a surprise attack dominate.

Not sure if you are aware of this, but there is actually hard evidence (both in the US and Japan) that the United States knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor and that Japan had already declared war on the US (the US government just let the attack happen). Whether it is "right" or "justified" depends on how you look at war. According to international law, what Japan did was perfectly alright as a country at war with the US. Others may say it was wrong no matter what.

Recently more Japanese are aware of the supressed info. The Japanese students I spoke to don't think the attack was "right", but they also don't view it as negatively since according to the laws of war it was legal.

Hope that helps~

ryanjpn 03-16-2007 10:21 PM

That helps a lot!!!
Thanks so much! :D

Spiros 03-16-2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by ryanjpn (Post 67782)
I (being a Japanophile) defended Japan,

Two questions;why,just because you like Japan,did you defend this evil act and on what grounds did you defend Japan?
Don`t let your Japanophilia cloud your common sense.

Spiros 03-16-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by waningmoons (Post 67800)
Not sure if you are aware of this, but there is actually hard evidence (both in the US and Japan) that the United States knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor and that Japan had already declared war on the US (the US government just let the attack happen).

Where is your proof of this?If you want to make suck outrageous comments you had better provide this hard eveidence you speak of.
I understand this board is for lovers of Japan and that is fine but get it out of your heads that Japan is so righteuos and holy and it is some kind of utopian paradise.
Previously someone here claimed that Japan surrendered before the bombs were dropped.Again no supporting evidence was produced.

bleedingboy 03-17-2007 12:05 AM

those nations knew their consequence of action, america knew the consequences of their action. all of these wars are consequences of effects of some cause. world war 2 rooted out from world war 1. and so on and so forth.
here's what you should keep in mind, that to keep the minds of their [nation's] people, they'll tell the story from a their perspective that they've won.

an example
i once saw a documentary on how things were justifiable when they colonized our country or bought it off from another, and how they establish a sentence that seems to claim, "if it wasn't for us..." that's their perspective, the justify their works. but then from our side...."they were wrong, the enemy and the invaders."

Spiros 03-17-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by bleedingboy (Post 68272)
here's what you should keep in mind, that to keep the minds of their [nation's] people, they'll tell the story from a their perspective that they've won.

Have you even looked at a Japanese high school history book?They are so heavily censored and controlled (by the government) with so many facts blatantly distorted and even left out.Therefore the perspective/opinion of the average Japanese on the street is not even worth a pinch of goats fat because they honestly have very little idea of even the most basic of facts surrounding WW2 except for what they are misinformed about.
Academics around the world,including some in Japan who haven`t been blinded by the nationalistic rhetoric that is shoved down the populations throats,all agree that Japan was wrong and it was not justified.
Having lived in Japan for just over half my life and graduating from uni in Japan I think I can say I know what I`m talking about.
Leave personal opinions out of these kinds of arguements unless you know all the facts.

IamKira 03-17-2007 02:20 AM

I think both sides are justified. Japan attacked us because of their current situation with us and the global power struggle. When they attacked us, It was justified for us to attack back. We used the Fat Man and Little Boy bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to bring our fight over there to a quick end. Casualtie on our side would have escalated had we opted for the full scale invasion. In the end, I do not feel the need to assign blame to anyone. I feel that everyone was in the right as well as the wrong.

IamKira 03-17-2007 02:31 AM

In the current status no.....but I'll be damned if I let you bad mouth any of our soldiers, especially from WW2. The men who are in the service are the most admirable men in our country. You do not have to support the war..In fact, I hope you do not to a certain extent, but it does not matter when you are talking about the individuals serving. Our soldiers are not cowards. It's our legislature and all the politicians that screw up the country. I hate politicians. But, never let me here you say anything about the U.S. service-men and women. You can badmouth our government all you want, but never do the same to those enlisted in our armed forves.

IamKira 03-17-2007 02:52 AM

Do not bad mouth our service workers.......Yes, there have been more cases than I would like to admit where they have done those things. I can not deny this. However, I do not see why I should have to make a case like this against someone who freaken has little girls soaking in water as their sig. Is this not a little contradictory? Yes, they do make a mockery of our military, but those are just the ground based forces. Our Navy is a lot more dignified in their actions. Even though they do not have a too much of a cause in the war effort, they do represent our countries military. I am not supporting the people who have raped and killed civillians. When I make references to our military, I am refering to the real soldiers. I would like you to take this into account. I do not see those barbaric individuals as a member of our military. I do not recognise them as such. I feel that, our military today, compared to that of the past, is a joke, but there are still good men out there, and I think they deserve the proper respect.

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