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greenteajunkie 06-16-2008 05:47 AM

Frustrating Things About Drawing Manga
There seems to be so many things that get on my nerves and i loathe to draw! Please complain and give reccomendations everyone!

Backgrounds: I either don't know where to put the characters, or have to draw backgrounds after drawing the characters and they somehow get in the way! Also, drawing characters sitting down on chairs at tables and such is really annoying and difficult.
Eyes: Sometimes i'll draw one eye and i'll go to do the next one and it will be either a. totally different looking, or, b. totally different size.
Hair: OK, this is just plain out HARD!

sakari09 06-21-2008 05:50 PM

:coldbear: I will agree on the backgrounds. (*totally) Hair I have gotten used to tho. I have problems with the eyes sometimes too don't worry!

kamikazee 06-21-2008 07:05 PM

drawing the hands for me is really hard.:pinkcry:
it took a while but got better at the eyes.:pompoms
:crykitty:still don't know how to draw really good hair.
i don't even know how to draw a backround.crykitty:


Kiyuge 06-21-2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dimanofff (Post 519229)
Hi everyone! I'm new on Your forum.
I'm 28 yo guy from Fiji. Hoping i'm welcome here:)

So go to introduce yourself :3 There you can make yourself known there. This is the wrong thread for introductions.

Hands, clothes and hair frustrate me.... But Im getting better.

eleKtrickpenguin 06-23-2008 02:33 AM

i have a really hard time getting hands and bare feet to look right, and doing the angles properly.

zachart 06-23-2008 02:34 AM

i have a hard time with hands, feet, hair, but have never tried backgrounds...

sakari09 06-23-2008 03:40 PM

my hands on characters are horrible! I try to hide them under sleeves but I do a lot of shojo manga charis and it's guy holding a chick's hand! I just can't win! Ahh!

Diryavi 06-24-2008 08:34 AM

Hey I have a hard time drawing...
I have a hard time drawing hands, feet , Full length bodies,etc. And once I finish with a drawing I'm Happy with I can't make multiple copies!:mad: Arrrg! I need some art classes! For me to draw really good I need to be listening to Dance music, upbeat fast songs, heavy droning beats and Heavy rock songs,. With out it my drawings looks bad and I get mad a I tear the page out I do that when the drawing is not going my way!:mad: Arrrg again!:ywave: :vsign: :D bye have a nice summer you guys! Take care!

Diryavi 06-24-2008 08:44 AM

Hey Fiji Your welcommed by me! LoL

Originally Posted by Dimanofff (Post 519229)
Hi everyone! I'm new on Your forum.
I'm 28 yo guy from Fiji. Hoping i'm welcome here:)

Maybe we can chat My email is [email protected]! I'm 27 year old girl from U.S.A In New Hampshire. So how is Fiji? Right now where I live, it's raining and thundering birds are chirping and It's 4:40 Am and I need to go to bed hope to hear from you sometime.:) Take care and have a wonderful night/day!:ywave: :vsign: :D

KikiBunny23 06-24-2008 08:47 AM

I don't draw but my friend does and this is what she complains about to me
•Hands---she can never get them right
•Eyes---One will be really good and the other horrible
•Hair---It always looks weird
•Certain clothes---just because

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