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82riceballs 03-04-2008 01:49 PM

Please help me with my sentences
Do the following sentences make sense? I was trying to use new vocab words in sentences to help me remember them.

以下の文は意味をなしますか。新しい単語を覚えるため に文に使ったつもりです。(Hope that makes sense :D )

1. 先生は愛想のある生徒が好きです。
Teachers like polite students.
2. 愛想のある人はいつも挨拶をします。
Polite people always say their greetings.
3. 赤ん坊のしりには痣があります。
On the baby's butt, there is a birthmark.
4. 昼は朝晩より暗い。
Noontime is less dark than morning and night time.
5. 韓国料理は味わいが重いです。
Korean food is very heavy in flavor.
6. 先生はコンピューターの扱いが分かりませんが、ワ� ��プロの使い方が出来ますよ。
The teacher doesn't know understand to use a computer, but does know how to use word processors.
7. 人々は当ての必要があります。当てはなければ人は� ��対退屈します。Everybody needs a goal in life. People who have no goals are definitely very bored.
8. 山本君は私の同級生だ。クラスはずっと一緒。こわがり だけど、他人をおどかすのは好きだ。Yamamoto is my classmate and has always been in my class. Though he is a scaredy-cat, he likes to scare other people.
9. あの噂を立ったことを告白した。でも、うわさをばらま くつもりはなかった! I confessed that I had started the rumor. However, I had no intention of spreading one!


EDIT: Is it just me, or is there mojibake???

Debezo 03-04-2008 03:50 PM

in my humble opinion,

文に使った -> 文を使った or 文を選んだ

1.2. 愛想のある -> 礼儀正しい
愛想 has a nuance of friendliness with smooth-tongued.
礼儀正しい means well-mannered / polite.

4. 昼は朝晩より暗い。 -> 昼は朝晩ほど暗くない。
昼は朝晩より暗い。 means "Noontime is dark than morning and night time."

5. 味わいが重いです。
if it means "heavy on one's stomach", it's ok.
if you try to say "strong flavor", 味が濃いです / 濃厚な味わいを持ちます。

6. ワープロの使い方が出来ますよ。
-> ワープロの使い方は分かりますよ。 / ワープロは使えますよ。 / ワープロは使うことが出来ますよ。
使い方が出来ますよ sounds like "I can usage".

7. -> 人には目標が必要です。目標がなければ人は絶対退屈し ます。
当て -> 目標、目的
当て rather means "depend on / put reliance on".

9. あの噂を立った -> あの噂を立てた
立つ is an intransitive verb. 立てる is a transitive verb.

others and most parts are good!

edit: mojibake
how about putting a space in front of mojibake-character?

82riceballs 03-05-2008 05:38 PM

どうもありがとうございます !

so, '新しい単語を覚えるために文に使ったつもりです' should be '新しい単語を覚えるために文を使ったつもりです'?

anrakushi 03-05-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by 82riceballs (Post 419292)
どうもありがとうございます !

so, '新しい単語を覚えるために文に使ったつもりです' should be '新しい単語を覚えるために文を使ったつもりです'?

i would say yes to that. 使う requires an object, 文 is that object, hence the を

82riceballs 03-06-2008 06:46 PM

So "to use a vocabulary word in a sentence" is 単語を文を使う?
Is it natural for two を's to be in the same sentence?

anrakushi 03-06-2008 10:30 PM

riceballs to be honest i'm not 100% sure on the answer here but I am sure you are wrong with "単語を文を使う" this is a different structure to the earlier sentence. i would probably say 文に単語を使う but i'm not the best at particles myself >< hopefully someone comes to clear that up.

Debezo 03-07-2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by anrakushi (Post 420501)
riceballs to be honest i'm not 100% sure on the answer here but I am sure you are wrong with "単語を文を使う" this is a different structure to the earlier sentence. i would probably say 文に単語を使う but i'm not the best at particles myself >< hopefully someone comes to clear that up.

I agree with you. loosely speaking,
を corresponds to the direct object.
に corresponds to the indirect object.
漫画を 友達に あげた
彼に 台湾語を 教える
日本に 荷物を 送った
but I'm not sure about an object in English. I might be wrong. explaining particles usage with English is so hard to me.

and I must revise my post about ~文に使ったつもりです. I thought that over, then,
I would much rather say 新しい単語を覚えるために文を使ったつもりです.
(or 語彙を増やす(expand my vocabulary)ために新しい単語を使ってみました)
but also 新しい単語を覚えるために、(新しい単語を)文に使っ たつもりです might be ok.
well, I felt something was wrong with that at first. but that is according to one's own interpretation. someone would say that's ok.

82riceballs 03-07-2008 07:03 PM

Thanks, guys!

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