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Jenthepen 01-30-2011 07:06 PM

Japanese hair related vocabulary
Hey I can't really find a good sourse to get some hair related vocabulary.

I wanna know the terms used to discribe hair colours, I have some terms...i think...I am not sure about the pronounciation though.

Blonde = 金髪 きんぱつ
Black hair = 黒髪 くろかみ
Brown hair = 茶髪 ちゃぱつ
Red hair = 赤毛 あかけ ????
Grey hair 白髪 はくはつ (does this mean white hair or grey hair or both?)

Are there anymore common colours I should know?

And used in a sentence to say the colour of your hair you would say
私の髪は金髪です right?

I also wanna know hair related verbs...or what words you would use to show that your "doing" these things.

- Wash hair
- Brush hair
- dye hair
- Cut hair

And last but not least, I would like to also know terms used to discribe lenth and appearance of hair such as

- curly hair
- straight hair
- long hair
- short hair

And anything else that will assist me , and anyone else that views this and wants to learn these terms XD thanks in advance. (oh provide kana pronunciation please also thanks)

KyleGoetz 01-30-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jenthepen (Post 848965)
Hey I can't really find a good sourse to get some hair related vocabulary.

I wanna know the terms used to discribe hair colours, I have some terms...i think...I am not sure about the pronounciation though.

Blonde = 金髪 きんぱつ
Black hair = 黒髪 くろかみ
Brown hair = 茶髪 ちゃぱつ
Red hair = 赤毛 あかけ ????
Grey hair 白髪 はくはつ (does this mean white hair or grey hair or both?)

Are there anymore common colours I should know?

And used in a sentence to say the colour of your hair you would say
私の髪は金髪です right?

I also wanna know hair related verbs...or what words you would use to show that your "doing" these things.

- Wash hair
- Brush hair
- dye hair
- Cut hair

And last but not least, I would like to also know terms used to discribe lenth and appearance of hair such as

- curly hair
- straight hair
- long hair
- short hair

And anything else that will assist me , and anyone else that views this and wants to learn these terms XD thanks in advance. (oh provide kana pronunciation please also thanks)

For a laundry list of common vocabulary words, try this first: http://www.alc.co.jp/

RickOShay 01-30-2011 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jenthepen (Post 848965)
Hey I can't really find a good sourse to get some hair related vocabulary.

I wanna know the terms used to discribe hair colours, I have some terms...i think...I am not sure about the pronounciation though.

Blonde = 金髪 きんぱつ
Black hair = 黒髪 くろかみ
Brown hair = 茶髪 ちゃぱつ
Red hair = 赤毛 あかけ ????
Grey hair 白髪 はくはつ (does this mean white hair or grey hair or both?)

Are there anymore common colours I should know?

And used in a sentence to say the colour of your hair you would say
私の髪は金髪です right?

I also wanna know hair related verbs...or what words you would use to show that your "doing" these things.

- Wash hair
- Brush hair
- dye hair
- Cut hair

And last but not least, I would like to also know terms used to discribe lenth and appearance of hair such as

- curly hair
- straight hair
- long hair
- short hair

And anything else that will assist me , and anyone else that views this and wants to learn these terms XD thanks in advance. (oh provide kana pronunciation please also thanks)

I believe しらが is the commonly used reading for 白髪

KyleGoetz 01-30-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by RickOShay (Post 848987)
I believe しらが is the commonly used reading for 白髪

No, はくはつ. I can't even spacebar my way from しらげ to 白髪.

RickOShay 01-30-2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 848996)
No, はくはつ. I can't even spacebar my way from しらげ to 白髪.

しらが、not しらげ

白髪 - 辞書すべて - goo辞書

I cannot be sure which is most common/proper, but I can say I have only seen/heard しらが used.

Jenthepen 01-31-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz (Post 848973)
For a laundry list of common vocabulary words, try this first: http://www.alc.co.jp/

Xd. Appreshiate the link...but its all in Japanese. I am not advanced and its very slow and almost impossible for me to try to read and find anything. Xd if I could read everything here, I probably wouldn't have to ask the question

Also to add, I've heard both はくはつ And しらが but I too don't know what one is used more....

RickOShay 01-31-2011 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jenthepen (Post 849011)
Xd. Appreshiate the link...but its all in Japanese. I am not advanced and its very slow and almost impossible for me to try to read and find anything. Xd if I could read everything here, I probably wouldn't have to ask the question

Also to add, I've heard both はくはつ And しらが but I too don't know what one is used more....

My vote is on しらが

masaegu 01-31-2011 03:25 AM

Both are correct. It's the classic 大和言葉 vs. 漢語 issue.

白髪のおっさん = しらが

白髪の紳士 = はくはつ

"Darn, I'm getting grey hair!" = しらが

Frequency-wise, one would hear しらが considerably more often.

KyleGoetz 01-31-2011 04:26 AM

Sorry, guys, I guess my 漢語 is just so much more elite than yours ;)

KyleGoetz 01-31-2011 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Jenthepen (Post 849011)
Xd. Appreshiate the link...but its all in Japanese. I am not advanced and its very slow and almost impossible for me to try to read and find anything. Xd if I could read everything here, I probably wouldn't have to ask the question

Also to add, I've heard both はくはつ And しらが but I too don't know what one is used more....

There's a form input there. Type your English word. Hit the button next to it. Receive Japanese translation.

Jenthepen 01-31-2011 05:24 AM

So far I found countless examples...im not sure which is which.

Cut hair
kami o rihatsu suru (理髪)
kami o sanpatsu suru (散髪)
kami o chouhatsu suru (調髪)
kami o kiru (切る)
kami o teihatsu suru (剃髪)

not sure what one is most used though....or even if all these are correct.

brush hair
kami o toku (梳く)
kami o tokasu (梳かす)

Dye hair
kami o senpatsuzai suru (染髪剤)
kami o shiragazome suru (白髪染め)

Wash hair
kami o shanpuu suru (シャンプー)

Wavy hair = namiutsukami (波打つ髪)
Curly hair = makigami (巻き髪)
Straight hair = ginpatsu (銀髪)

I have no idea if any of these are correct.....

steven 01-31-2011 06:08 AM

This is from my experience

Cut hair=髪を切る (かみをきる)
Dye hair=そめる
Wash hair= 髪/頭を洗う (Or シャンプーする)

Curly hair= もじゃもじゃ (not sure how polite that is though), くるくる)
Straight hair=ストレート

By the way, 赤毛 is usually said あかげ

koriroxx 01-31-2011 06:49 AM

I'm pretty sure "to dye hair" is 髪を染める (kami o someru). I'm guessing you could say things like:
明日、髪を黒くに染めるつもりだ。- Tomorrow, I plan on dying my hair black.

Stumped as to what "to brush hair" is... I couldn't find an example anywhere. I would bet on 梳く / 梳かす.

siokan 01-31-2011 01:46 PM

An important term is added. (be excluded from is not good)

bald = 禿, つるつる, ぴかぴか, 太陽(sun), 鑑(mirror), スキンヘッド(Skinhead)

wig, hairpiece (for man)= かつら, 帽子(hat,cap), かぶりもの, ブラックベレー(black beret), ドーピング(doping), アデランス(*brand name)

wig, hairpiece (for woman)= かつら, 付け毛, ウイッグ(wig), ヘアピース(hairpiece)

having thin hair = ふさふさ, 2323

Jenthepen 02-01-2011 09:33 PM

Thanks guys :D

masaegu 02-02-2011 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by siokan (Post 849108)
having thin hair = ふさふさ, 2323

Thick, not thin.

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