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CoolNard 09-17-2010 09:47 AM

Tekken in Live Action
Please watch at least one of the following videos before commenting. Thanks. :)

「TEKKEN」 「鉄拳」 Exclusive Japanese MOVIE TRAILER
YouTube - 「TEKKEN」 「鉄拳」 Exclusive Japanese MOVIE TRAILER

The Tekken Movie Oficial Trailer 2010 NEW
YouTube - The Tekken Movie Oficial Trailer 2010 NEW

Well? What do you peeps think? Live action made a mess of Dragonball and Avatar: The last airbender. Is anime going to be a media scapegoat for another f**k up? It looks fine to me, though.

WingsToDiscovery 09-17-2010 10:45 AM

Tekken is horrible. I almost died watching it.

WellThatHurt 09-17-2010 11:26 AM

I'm kind of afraid for this movie. Dragon Ball "Evolution" was just too horrible. There's a point where the director should have realized how bad it was. The Last Airbender was this years biggest disappointment for me. I was so looking forward to the movie and was let down. Hopefully, they will learn from their mistakes when making the second movie. The Tekken trailer looks pretty good, but the track record for anime based movies isnt looking too good. Lets keep our fingers crossed shall we.

Ronin4hire 09-17-2010 01:03 PM

I'm pretty sure it will suck.

It will be a contrived plot that will pay lip service to the games... but will take itself too seriously and fall on its face with its stereotypical and one-dimensional characters.

They needed to go all "Scott Pilgrim versus the world" with this movie and have fun with it.

WingsToDiscovery 09-17-2010 05:30 PM

Believe me guys, Tekken is bad. It makes me almost feel ashamed to say I love the game series.

MMM 09-17-2010 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by WellThatHurt (Post 829437)
The Last Airbender was this years biggest disappointment for me. I was so looking forward to the movie and was let down. Hopefully, they will learn from their mistakes when making the second movie.

I would not count on another Last Airbender movie being made.

Ronin4hire 09-17-2010 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 829475)
I would not count on another Last Airbender movie being made.

I agree...

I would not count on another big M Night Shyamalan movie either.

WellThatHurt 09-17-2010 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 829453)
I'm pretty sure it will suck.

It will be a contrived plot that will pay lip service to the games... but will take itself too seriously and fall on its face with its stereotypical and one-dimensional characters.

They needed to go all "Scott Pilgrim versus the world" with this movie and have fun with it.

I completely agree and Scott Pilgrim was amazing. Too bad it didn't do so well at the box office. The only reason why i say they will probably make another Last Airbender movie is because it has made back its budget plus 150+ million more.

CoolNard 09-18-2010 04:41 AM

Wow, very unanimous comments... xD I guess missing out on it won't count for a lot then. That's a relief. I'll probably watch it as a time-filler, if I ever do find it.

evanny 09-18-2010 07:03 AM

a. you still have not see it?

its bad yea....but - his girlfriends ass is out of this world and there actually were some cool fighting moves. its a tekken movie - you dont go there for the plot.

o. and a looooooot of flashbacks of "when mother thought him to defend himself" while being beaten up...that got so annoying.

CoolNard 09-18-2010 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 829545)
a. you still have not see it?

its bad yea....but - his girlfriends ass is out of this world and there actually were some cool fighting moves. its a tekken movie - you dont go there for the plot.

o. and a looooooot of flashbacks of "when mother thought him to defend himself" while being beaten up...that got so annoying.

It'd be better if Tekken had plots. But now that I know it is severely deprived in that area, I won't be. :)

Flashbacks? Argh, I hate long, draggy ones. I'll see if I wanna skip it over, then. Thanks for the heads up.

WingsToDiscovery 09-18-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by CoolNard (Post 829547)

Flashbacks? Argh, I hate long, draggy ones.

For real, it's like every time he's about to throw a punch or kick it cuts to a flashback of his mom teaching him how to do it.

Dayanx 10-12-2010 02:07 AM

Good to see Cary Tagawa again. I have to say though, he looks closer to what Siang Tsung looked like in the Mortal Kombat games while in Tekken playing Heihachi.

Darcus 10-18-2010 10:53 AM

It was a horrible movie. Nothing like the game.

kyo_9 10-18-2010 04:58 PM

Even though it was adapted from the game, we shouldn't anticipate that it will be 100% similar to the game itself but it would be better to imagine a new perspective..

just like harry potter movie.. ;)

CoolNard 10-19-2010 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by kyo_9 (Post 833496)
Even though it was adapted from the game, we shouldn't anticipate that it will be 100% similar to the game itself but it would be better to imagine a new perspective..

just like harry potter movie.. ;)

Weren't the Harry Potter games adapted from the movies, instead? I think perspective-wise, they were pretty much in sync with one another.

As for Tekken, looks like there's a much bigger gap from the game than most people would have liked. I agree with the imagination thing, though, but chances are slim that I'll like it.

Dayanx 10-20-2010 03:38 AM

yes, but like other movie to game with book origins, they could add a lot more content from the novels that had to be omitted from the movie.

kotehashi 12-19-2010 03:49 AM

Its too bad it sucked though. Brought in some good martial artists for it too.

termogard 12-28-2010 02:12 AM

neither plot, nor characters

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 829433)
Tekken is horrible. I almost died watching it.

Totally agree. ;) The creators of tekken should see at least one MixFight M-1 championship before starting to make such a cr@ppy, boring movie. Girl-fighter with a semi-naked butts.....gay-like SAMBO fighter...what an idiocy!:rolleyes:
I had no interest to watch this "masterpiece" till the end.

CassandraSnow 12-28-2010 08:08 PM

i want to watch this movie but i can't find it anywhere online ... so do you know a site where i can watch it ? thank you ^^

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