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jrocker21 05-27-2008 09:15 PM

well, i've been trying to decided whether to make this thread or not..
but i think we have fans.. if not *deathglares you all* also no thread exist for them dear boys.

got into this band recently. especially yuya.. OMG*dies* along with the song 'by all means'.
also this is a nagoya band, well i've been told that.
and like my many other threads, i don't write details so i'll stick with wikipedia, last.fm and OHP thank you very much.

meth. official website
meth. – Listen free at Last.fm
sorry, there's no wikipedia i can find.

Downloads: in mediafire-
01 Aoku hatenai sekai.mp3
(2007.08.01) THE MASS.zip
by all means-BELIVER.zip

In Order of Picture:
Yuya(bass)(EX member)-owned by me, jrocker21
Sora(drums)-owned by adina
Akito(陽斗)(vocals)-owned by kawn
Tomoya(guitar)-owned by miyavifan

adina 05-28-2008 11:00 AM

*runs in circles*
you did it
but but as i much as I like sora cause I do,me owns shiki already *points to claimed jrockers thread*
but I guess it's okies cause I luv sora too *giggles*
so yushies....piccus x3




adina 05-28-2008 11:00 AM



bwhaha likey??? XD

jrocker21 05-28-2008 02:15 PM

yes i did it!!*jumps*
but i only claim shiki cause yuya is leaving the band on june 7th.
i didn't want to be claimless in this thread.. and june 7th is just next week. X__X

edit- pictures finally loaded for me.. i so love kill's jacket.
and yuya, OMG, why is he leaving the band..*whines*

adina 05-28-2008 04:54 PM

yaaaay for you
you rock!!!they are so goodie

what?? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
that's new for me....he's leaving the band *glares*
I wonder who's taking his place? >_>
but why???they're so new and he's leaving already? argh *growls*

haha I think his jacket is the only thing I like about him X"D

jrocker21 05-28-2008 05:19 PM

yup..*nods* yuya is leaving the band..
but then shiki stated that he's NOT leaving but still leaving..
something like that.. the whole statement just got me confused.
all we have to do is wait til june 7th and see what happens..

but i can post the statement if you want.

adina 05-28-2008 05:21 PM

argh damn yuya >_>
yeeesss post pls *puppy eyes*

jrocker21 05-28-2008 05:29 PM

well here it is.. copy and paste..

This was definitely horrible news to wake up to.
meth. has announced via their official mail magazine that their bassist Yuya will be leaving the band on June 7th. The reason is that they are having a difference in opinion on the musical direction of the band and they therefore came to the conclusion that he should withdraw.
They apologize to everyone who has been cheering on the band and everyone connected to them. They also mention that they do still plan to continue on with their summer tour and the release of their newest mini-album, so please keep on supporting them.
There’s new news yet on what Yuya will do as far as music is concerned after the 7th, but they do ask that you watch over him warmly.
Source: Official Mailmag
EDIT: Shiki has updated the meth. blog, so I thought I’d just include a couple of the things he said there. He says that Yuya is NOT leaving due to being on bad terms with the other members, but they feel that they can’t go on being together in the band and still remain friends.
Well, I can sure say I did not see this one coming. Definitely disappointing.

adina 05-28-2008 05:31 PM

*wipes tears*
it's good though that they won't broke up like viored *glares*
but whyyyyyyy? *screams in frutrastion*

jrocker21 05-28-2008 05:56 PM

i know.. and yuya is the one i fell in love with... damn him!!*raises fist and cries*

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