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TheCrimson 10-21-2008 04:20 AM

what happened to Visual Kei??
what happened to Visual Kei?

it's become somewhat "mainstream" now.

it's lost its "uniqueness".

we're getting VK bands who sound like turd and look more girly than Kylie Minogue.

where's the talent gone?

the industry's turned into such a "come and go" one.

this band can be big for 10 minutes, nothing the next, we'll get another band that sounds exactly the same who'll only last another 10 minutes.

all the music sounds the same, and it's hard sometimes to tell between one singer of one band to another, the look's just becoming copies of each other. it really does suck.

like WTF?

i used to be a crazy fangirl.

now i can find myself only liking GazettE out of the whole genre. just because its bass heavy and i like bass.

now, it seems like VK music no longer has substance. VK is just another "scene" now.

i will get flamed for this, i know.

but i dont care. i just wanted to express my opinion. this is a forum. a place for opinion. you dont like it, fine.

so who's with me?

or what do people think?

What happened to Visual Kei?

yuujirou 10-21-2008 04:37 AM

no.. actually i don't think you're too far off the mark >.>''
the real people who are 'unique' get like almost no exposure at all.
bands like candy spooky theater
and the upcoming kanon wakeshima

and what's worse, i believe, are those bands that were once something have now become just like all the others
i believe rentrer en soi is a good example >.>'

MMM 10-21-2008 04:38 AM

Are you supposed to like every band in the genre?

No one likes their "secret" to get out, but poser bands will fade if they really stink.

TheCrimson 10-21-2008 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 612203)
no.. actually i don't think you're too far off the mark >.>''
the real people who are 'unique' get like almost no exposure at all.
bands like candy spooky theater
and the upcoming kanon wakeshima

and what's worse, i believe, are those bands that were once something have now become just like all the others
i believe rentrer en soi is a good example >.>'

oh god T_T

Candy Spooky Theater and that Wakeshima girl are so... boring T_T Kanon is Mana's little toy and Candy Spooky is just like BLOOD. i'm sorry. its bands and artists like this that make VK slowly die.

i HATE BLOOD. that thing cannot call itself music.

rentrer en soi... dunno much about them.

a good band who gets NO exposure is Storm Rider.

those guys are actually good.

and @MMM - thats what i mean. too many poser bands

yuujirou 10-21-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 612212)
oh god T_T

Candy Spooky Theater and that Wakeshima girl are so... boring T_T Kanon is Mana's little toy and Candy Spooky is just like BLOOD. i'm sorry. its bands and artists like this that make VK slowly die.

i HATE BLOOD. that thing cannot call itself music.

rentrer en soi... dunno much about them.

a good band who gets NO exposure is Storm Rider.

those guys are actually good.

and @MMM - thats what i mean. too many poser bands

you do have to admit though
that no one does 'clown' music these days x]

and kanon is the only other person that i've seen rock a cello about as sexy as apocalyptica

TheCrimson 10-21-2008 04:48 AM

hahahahah. well in that sense that is true yuujirou. i still think they sound boring tho. and Candy Spooky do have an odd look.


back to topic. it seems like every band just sound and look like Dir en Grey these days >>
or Malice Mizer.
or w/e

anyway. i have to get to work xD be back later

amuchan 10-21-2008 05:40 AM

I agree with all of you. Visual Kei has gone out of style pretty much, it is more gothloli and pop. Honestly when you think about it, americans ruined the dark look by going to extremes. I'm not saying that in a bad way, like I hate America because I don't but the "American Dark Look" started to get sterotyped like cutting and all about blood and weird piercings and dog chains. I think VK was popular over the freakiness of it all.

MissMisa 10-21-2008 07:27 AM

Well in my opinion it was always some kind of scene because it's labelled as such. It's just not one that's very popular. I don't care whether things are popular or not, but some people like to jump on the 'I like this because it's underground' bandwagon and think they are different for liking things that not many people have heard of. I dislike a lot of VK/Jrock styled bands, because to be honest theres a load of crap ones who think cool hair will make them a great band, when it won't. There is bands I don't like in every genre, you can't expect someone to like every band in a specific genre.

If you are suggesting that bands are 'selling out,' then I don't really think VK bands are the type to do so. I'm pissed that Dir en grey are releasing all this exclusive shit for America when they don't do anything here and very very rarely ever come here, and when they do it's only at one or two venues. I don't know how Japanese fans feel about the US exclusivity but whatever.

In any case, there are a ton of crap poser bands in every genre going, VK is no different. All you gotta do is ignore the shit and listen to the good stuff :)

emiluvsjmusic 10-21-2008 08:59 AM

Um hello, visual kei have always sounded like turd
That's why its called visual kei

nossdesagel 10-21-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by emiluvsjmusic (Post 612310)
Um hello, visual kei have always sounded like turd
That's why its called visual kei

You have obviously been listening to the wrong VK bands. The best ones are visualy AND auditorialy stimulating, i.e. Gazette, Gackt, Miyavi, and Mucc. At least, those are the bands that I like and I like them because they look good and sound good at the same time.

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