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yuujirou 04-18-2008 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 464163)
Well I suppose that is not so unrealistic, Alastor.

The story designer is usually the character designer, script writer and director.

You guys have to understand, I mean really think about it, is a company in which the selling of its next title could leave it at bankruptcy if they fuck it up, is a person like this going to put an inexperienced newbie in charge if their production? Of course not.

You also have to understand, character design and story design is not actually a very hard thing to do. Rarley will they look at employing someone who wants to do only this. It is unheard of to me, actually.

If you look at the majority of people who together make the team of the game designer, they would have started in animation, or doing voices, or something simple for the company. And it is only once they get their foot in the door from doing simnple tasks when they can put up ideas.

... Good luck.

that's most applicable to most any job >.>'''

Wyverian 04-18-2008 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Alastor (Post 461826)
Wyveian, I understand where you're coming from if you started with FFVII, but most agree that FFIX is really how a Final Fantasy game should be, it's a classic. I think you have to ignore the whole deformed-character-style they have because it's all good fun. More equipment allows for more diversity in FFIX, different character combinations, no dull aspects of gameplay (Draw? Who came up with this? He or she should die!) and the story and music is really great (the story has similarities to FFVI, which is pretty cool).

I think FF started going downhill basically when Sakaguchi stepped down as a Producer. While this allowed them to reinvent themselves, they've really lost track of what the vision of Final Fantasy is.

I mean, in all honesty, wtf was FFXII's story about? It was politics here and there again and your characters were shallow as HELL.

Ummmm my first FF game was FF4 with Cecil ^.^ 7 was my second. I hated just about everything about 9 I disliked the story, characters, ability system, and honestly the chocobo game angered me to the point of no return.

Also fun fact the start guide for 9 was nearly useless as it kept referencing you to a website.

MissMisa 04-18-2008 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 464163)
Well I suppose that is not so unrealistic, Alastor.

The story designer is usually the character designer, script writer and director.

You guys have to understand, I mean really think about it, is a company in which the selling of its next title could leave it at bankruptcy if they fuck it up, is a person like this going to put an inexperienced newbie in charge if their production? Of course not.

You also have to understand, character design and story design is not actually a very hard thing to do. Rarley will they look at employing someone who wants to do only this. It is unheard of to me, actually.

If you look at the majority of people who together make the team of the game designer, they would have started in animation, or doing voices, or something simple for the company. And it is only once they get their foot in the door from doing simnple tasks when they can put up ideas.

... Good luck.

Yep, I know that. It's the same with a lot of jobs. That's why I'm really striving to get some work experiance in this field so they know, that I know how the system works. I don't expect to be the awesome head character designer straight away, but I'm hoping to get there eventually.

And thankyou ^_^

chaseme 04-18-2008 05:10 AM


sorry but i hate people who whines but got nothing to make it better. If you think you are better than those who design FF put what ever ideas you got into words and present it to the public if you are as good as you think you are youll get the peoples attention .
if youll only look at the 2nd bolded phrase your right it would sound like me asking you to make a better FF.

But if youll look at my 1st bolded phrase youll get what i mean.

Not the greatest guy with grammar i usually mix grammar with rules of programming language.

Basic of programming


is not the same


"draw" is decent at worst for me. You can gain access to lots of magic with it from your magic. and some unique magic from bosses and cards(IIRC). And draw is optional.
Why not just make characters have specific magic specification?
Its because the game lets you play different characters combination. Draw being optional and letting you get a wide array of magics is essential to accomplish mission or to survive.
** now thats how you should critic not something like "dull, boring or fun" and i think i see you claim that you examine the whole aspect of games.

anyway why do you always assume i ask something unreasonable from you?
I dont think its impossible to come up with a playable game single handedly considering todays technology and your "dedication"
anyway good luck with whatever your planning with Unreal Editor. I am sure try your games if it ever get published in the future you can even slap it to my face if that happened, dont worry ill fly to you myself :vsign:

MissMisa 04-18-2008 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by chaseme (Post 464240)

anyway why do you always assume i ask something unreasonable from you?
I dont think its impossible to come up with a playable game single handedly considering todays technology and your "dedication"

I guess it would be possible if you were a bum and could sit at home all day making games but everyone else has other commitments like school and work and we need to sleep too. Theres no time in the day to spend making computer games for me >.<

chaseme 04-18-2008 05:53 AM


I guess it would be possible if you were a bum and could sit at home all day making games but everyone else has other commitments like school and work and we need to sleep too. Theres no time in the day to spend making computer games for me >.<
Sheesh you sure? im quite sure i got plenty of time in my highschool days i never really study at all at home and usually fooling around but still graduated 5th in a class of 120 students. if i worked on a game on the times i fool around i quite sure i could have finish a game if i were really into it.
And like i said "Icefrog" is still just a college student when he receive the responsibility to maintain the game "DoTA" a custom made war3 map that receive international recognition
heres a link on DoTA's history and its fame
Defense of the Ancients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was able to "write" game layout already and he was decided on becoming a GD for a year now.

MissMisa 04-18-2008 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by chaseme (Post 464254)
Sheesh you sure? im quite sure i got plenty of time in my highschool days i never really study at all at home and usually fooling around but still graduated 5th in a class of 120 students. if i worked on a game on the times i fool around i quite sure i could have finish a game if i were really into it.
And like i said "Icefrog" is still just a college student when he receive the responsibility to maintain the game "DoTA" a custom made war3 map that receive international recognition
heres a link on DoTA's history and its fame
Defense of the Ancients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was able to "write" game layout already and he was decided on becoming a GD for a year now.

Well I'm passed highschool now, I take it your from America or something? I'm now in 6th form and it's a damn lot of work, I don't want to just pass, I want As. Aswell as that, I'm deputy head girl so I have tons of responsibilties and I'm also a volunteer, I help run a business and I run a Digital Art Class, so for my anything else is out of the question.

chaseme 04-18-2008 06:32 AM

im already in college
the OP said he wasnt even it in college.

i am volunteered helper for the project of our community church, i teach arts to kids

the college im in is the most prestigious school in my country for engineering students out of a thousand entrance examiners only a few get selected, and i have to maintain passing grade to stay.
the school is DLSU ask anyone from Philippines im sure they know of that school

and i have plans on starting my computer cafe business before the next semester,

even if im in college and got my weekends booked i could still say i got lots of time to spare for my passion not sure what you mean with 6th form but if its the equivalent of thesis making stage of college then yeah i wont have time. but i am sure that its not the case with the OP

Alastor 04-18-2008 07:13 AM

Tenchu: You're right about certain things, but it also differs from project to project how it works. And yeah, I am planning to work my way up (that's how I want to do it). Starting with QAteam, and then into a game designer in a team or level designer. I'll move from there.

chaseme: The reasons why I can't really work with my stuff are simple:

1) I have a hard time with Game Maker as I have to learn how to use GML to program stuff, and I don't have time to do all the sprite work myself.

2) I don't have a computer that will genuinely allow me to work with UnrealEd or Sandbox Editor. Not yet.

3) In order to make a game I am pleased with, I would need good programming skills, then I'd need the necessary programs for composing the music and sounds I want, and then I'd have to learna bunch of visual art in order to create the visuals I want. Don't have time, don't have the money.

With GML, I'll be able to make a side-scrolling platformer that I've always wanted to do. With the other editors I can design levels. I tried working with WC3WE but the game style didn't suite my tastes.

MissMisa 04-18-2008 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by chaseme (Post 464261)
im already in college
the OP said he wasnt even it in college.

i am volunteered helper for the project of our community church, i teach arts to kids

the college im in is the most prestigious school in my country for engineering students out of a thousand entrance examiners only a few get selected, and i have to maintain passing grade to stay.
the school is DLSU ask anyone from Philippines im sure they know of that school

and i have plans on starting my computer cafe business before the next semester,

even if im in college and got my weekends booked i could still say i got lots of time to spare for my passion not sure what you mean with 6th form but if its the equivalent of thesis making stage of college then yeah i wont have time. but i am sure that its not the case with the OP

Yeah. Well there is no chance I'll be able to fit making a game in. I'm just far too busy with essays and projects and coursework for school. 6th form is the stage above high school in the UK, it's the same as UK college. Once you've done 6th form or college you go to University.

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