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elshankos 02-28-2008 10:33 AM

...going to Japan and THEN getting a work visa?!
Hi there,

I live in England, have Austrian citizenship and am actually South African - so my first language is english!
I want to go to Japan to teach - does anyone have any experience of doing it like this:
- Just fly to japan (no visa required to visit) and see if I can pick up a job with a school that will sort out my visa?

Any comments or advice would be really nice:)


Neffiline 02-28-2008 01:53 PM

Good way to be helpful Tenchu 8D;;

If you look around this forum (Living in Japan), there are many threads about being an English Teacher in Japan. Go through the first few posts, you'll likely find answers to your questions in there. They've helped me understand more about the subject :3

Neffiline 02-28-2008 02:21 PM

I know, I know! I was just teasing you! ^-^

I'd assume that if she/he lives in England, then their english would be pretty good. Though it does depend on where and how they were raised.

I was born and raised in a family that only spoke French. Then learning English in school, and these days, I use english more than I use french, or at least on an equal basis. Even if I have a small accent, it's not big enough so that people can't understand me. Having an accent isn't necessarely a bad thing, as long as others can understand you correctly, without having to try figuring out what the hell you're saying.

noodle 02-28-2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Neffiline (Post 413783)
Having an accent isn't necessarely a bad thing, as long as others can understand you correctly, without having to try figuring out what the hell you're saying.

In everyday life, I'd agree with you, but with the matter at hand I don't. The Japanese, like any other country that teaches a language prefer to have a good well known accent. With english, it is generally American accent (I know this because the foreign students I help here in my university have the most annoying fake american accents. lol)

Neffiline 02-28-2008 03:10 PM

I guess that would be right :3

But each case is different, I assume it depends how thick is the person's accent.

anrakushi 02-28-2008 10:08 PM

if you are going to drop into Japan and find a job yourself then you are going to be applying at 英会話 so the owners/managers are very likely to be westerners. some schools like to have different accents available to their students because most of the major international language tests require that you can understand conversations in other accents. the number of times i've had students complain about the indian english or scottish english accent haha.

if you are black that is not a problem, at least not from my experience. as long as your english is of a good standard. there are plenty of non-american black people working in Japan. the sad thing is, many of them pretend to be america with hip-hop style etc. oh well.

jasonbvr 02-28-2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by anrakushi (Post 414139)
many of them pretend to be america with hip-hop style etc. oh well.

Same can be said for a large portion of Japanese teenagers. What do you expect with a cultural monopoly that has infected all corners of the globe? Brand America sells.

jasonbvr 02-28-2008 11:41 PM

An actual bloody reply to the question asked, yes you can get the work visa after you come. Just be prepared to search for a job for about two months and you have to buy round trip tickets flying in on a tourist visa.

anrakushi 02-29-2008 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by jasonbvr (Post 414240)
Same can be said for a large portion of Japanese teenagers. What do you expect with a cultural monopoly that has infected all corners of the globe? Brand America sells.

there is a big difference, they pretend to the Japanese that they ARE american. clearly they have a Nigerian accent to those that know, but many Japanese are naive and trust it. Japan certainly has it's share of Japanese loving America but they don't say they are American. I wish there was a nice east asian country that is influenced by Confucian values where 'Brand America' doesn't sell. NK doesn't count, can't immigrate there even if i wanted to.

elshankos 02-29-2008 10:10 AM

Woohey! - a real reply instead of loads of waffling about the colour of my skin!!

My accent is easily understandable - very similar to british english (and Ive lived in the UK for 3 years now...). I actually taught english in Peru for a bit and I intend to do a TEFL course before I head over.

Thanks a lot - do you know if for example it would be easier to get a job in say popular Kyoto or somewhere like Hokkaido?! Random question for the morning!

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